Partek Flow Documentation

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We recommend cleaning up projects as well as removing library files that you do not need, then removing the orphaned files. You can also export analyzed projects and save them on an external machine, then when you need them again you can import them to the server. Please see this information for more details related to: Project managementRemoving library files, and Orphaned files. Right click on the data node to delete files from projects that are not needed (e.g. fastqs from project pipelines that are analyzed).

Can I export data from the result nodes?

Yes, left click to select the data node you want to export. In the bottom of the task menu there will be an option to "Download data". 

How do I add reference files if I am not studying human or mouse?


Classification in Partek Flow can be performed manually or with automatic cell classification which is explained in more detail hereUsers often want to classify cells by gene expression threshold(s), for details on classification by marker expression click here. Automatic classification needs to be performed on a non-normalized single cell data node; once complete, publish cell attributes to project then use this classification in visualizations and tasks. You may choose to perform Graph-based clustering and K-means clustering to help identify biomarkers that can then be used to identify the clusters and we also provide hosted lists for different cell types. 

Can I export data from the result nodes?

Yes, left click to select the data node you want to export. In the bottom of the task menu there will be an option to "Download data". 

Can I visualize fold change values on a heatmap without using a z-score?
