Partek Flow Documentation

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Partek® Flow® is Partek Flow is a genomics data analysis and visualization software product designed to run on compute clusters. The following instructions assume the most basic setup of Partek Flow and must only be attempted by system administrators who are familiar with Linux-based commands. These instructions are not intended to be comprehensive. Cluster environments are largely variable, thus there are no 'one size fits all' instructions. The installation procedure on a computer cluster is highly dependent on the type of computer cluster and the environment it is located. We can to support a large array of Linux distributions and configurations. In all cases, Partek Technical Support will be available to assist with cluster installation and maintenance to ensure compatibility with any cluster environment.  Please consult with Partek Licensing Support ( for additional information.  


  1. Go to the Flow installation directory. This is usually the home directory of the Linux user that runs Flow and it should contain a directory named "partek_flow". The location of the Flow install can also be obtained by running ps aux | grep flow and examining the path of the running Flow executable.

  2. Shut down Flow: ./partek_flow/

  3. Download the new version of Flow and the Flow worker: 

    wget --content-disposition
    wget --content-disposition

  4. Make sure Flow has exited:
    ps aux | grep flow
    The flow process should no longer be listed.

  5. Unpack the new version of Flow install and backup the old install:
    mv partek_flow partek_flow_prev
    mv PartekFlowRemoteWorker PartekFlowRemoteWorker_prev

  6. Backup the Flow database folder. This should be located in the home directory of the user that runs Flow.
    tar -czvf partek-db-bkp-date.tgz ~/.partekflow

  7. Start the updated version of Flow:
    tail -f partek_flow/logs/catalina.out
     (make sure there is nothing of concern in this file when starting up Flow. You can stop the file tailing by typing: CTRL-C)

    You may also want to examine the the main Flow log for errors:


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