Partek Flow Documentation

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  • Select the Normalized counts data node
  • Select Statistical analysis from the task menu
  • Select Detect differential expression (GSA) from the Statistical analysis section of the task menu (Figure 1)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextInvoking GSA from the task menu
AnchorNameInvoking GSA

Image Added

The Include attributes page shows all available attributes for analysis (Figure 2). Here, we only have one attribute, Treatment.

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSelecting attributes to include
AnchorNameInclude attributes

 Image Added

  • Select Next to continue with Treatment as the selected attribute

The Comparison selector page will open (Figure 3). 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextThe Comparison selector allows multiple comparisons to be designed and added
AnchorNameComparison selector

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It is easiest to think about comparisons as the questions we are asking. In this case, we want to know what are the differentially expressed genes between untreated and treated cells. We can ask this for each dose individually and for both collectively. 


  • Select 5μM in the upper box
  • Select 0μM in the lower box 
  • Select Add comparison to add 5μM vs. 0μM to the comparison table (Figure 4)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextDesigning a comparison to add
AnchorNameAdding comparisons

Image Added

  • Repeat to create comparisons for 10μM vs. 0μM and 5μM:10μM vs. 0μM (Figure 5)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextComparisons for 5uM vs. 0uM, 10uM vs. 0uM, and 5uM:10uM vs. 0uM have been added
AnchorNameComparisons set up

Image Added

By default, the GSA will use a lognormal with shrinkage model for its analysis of variance of each gene. This is appropriate for most data sets and will tend to give accurate and reproducible results. We will use the default settings under Advanced Options in this tutorial. To learn more about the GSA, please see the Differential Gene Expression - GSA user guide. 


Gene analysis task node and a Feature list data node will be added to the pipeline (Figure 6). 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextGene analysis task node and Feature list data nodes
AnchorNameGene analysis task node

Image Added



Additional assistance


Rate Macro