After normalizing the data, we can perform differential analysis to identify genes that are differentially expressed based on treatment.

Select the appropriate differential analysis method (Figure 2). In this tutorial we are going to use DESeq2, but Partek® Flow® offers a number of alternatives. Hover the mouse over the  symbol for more information on each differential analysis method, or see our Differential Analysis user guide for a more in-depth look.


The Comparisons page will open (Figure 4). 

It is easiest to think about comparisons as the questions we are asking. In this case, we want to know what are the differentially expressed genes between untreated and treated cells. We can ask this for each dose individually and for both collectively. 

The upper box will be the numerator and the lower box will be the denominator in the comparison calculation so we will select the 0μM control in the lower box. 

DESeq2 task node and a DESeq2 data node will be added to the pipeline (Figure 7).