Partek Flow Documentation

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The User added tasks feature in Partek® Flow® allows Partek Flow allows administrators to add their own executables and scripts to the set of analysis tools available on a given installation. These tasks can then be run through the Partek Flow graphical user interface and can be included as part of analysis pipelines. 


  • Task name - a unique name for the task
  • Description (optional) - a more thorough description of the task. This text will appear when the cursor hovers over the task in the Task Menu
  • Version - a unique version number for the given task name. The combination of Task name + Version must be unique (i.e., no other task already installed can have the same combination)
  • Section - choose a section in the context-sensitive Task Menu in which this task will appear or define a new section by editing the text field (Figure 4)

    Numbered figure captions
    SubtitleTextChoose which section in the Task Menu you want the added task to appear in. To keep all custom tasks in one section, choose 'Custom tasks' at the bottom of the drop-down list (left). To create a new section, highlight the text and manually type a new section name (right)
    AnchorNameChoose which section in the Task Menu you want the added task to appear in. To keep all custom tasks in one section, choose 'Custom tasks' at the bottom of the drop-down list (left). To create a new section, highlight the text and manually type a new section name (right)

  • Executable - provide a full path to the executable that this task will run (Figure 5) by clicking Browse. The executable is the main binary or script to call which has arguments parsed in the command-lines. In the See 'Integration Scripts' part at the bottom to learn more about executables in Flow.  In the example in Figure 3, the full path is /home/flow/.partekflow/user_tasks. The dialog (Figure 5 inset) lists all the available executables stored in the directory. Select the file and click Continue to proceed. Note that the flow server user must have execute permission on the binary. 

    SECURITY WARNING - Since binaries in this folder will be accessible through the Partek Flow web user interface, this directory should be highly restricted from modification by non-administrator users.

    Numbered figure captions
    SubtitleTextSelecting the executable (the inset shows the available binary saved in the folder)
    AnchorNameSelecting the executable (the inset shows the available binary saved in the folder)


  • Type - choose the type of data produced by the task from the drop-down list. The set of output types is restricted to those currently supported by downstream Partek Flow tasks: Unaligned readsAligned readsAssembled reads, Quantification, HTML, Image, Annotated counts, or Variants. If you want to output a data type that is not part of this set, select Custom and this will produce an output that can be downloaded.
  • Name - enter a name for the output data node (this will be the data node that will display in the Analyses tab)
  • Exposed - if checked, this output will be exposed as a node on the Analyses tab, otherwise this task will not produce a data node and the output will be accessible through the task result page
  • Required - if checked the task will fail if the executable failed to produce this output.  If left unchecked then this output is optional and task will succeed even if this output was never be produced by the executable.
  • Ouput Output files as - (for Custom types) choose between a Single file output, All files with prefix, and a list of files in a Directory

  • Output prefix - to restrict only output files with the given prefix
  • Output to - placement of output on the command line, which can be: Last Option, Parameter, Standard Out

  • Output parameter - parameter to place on the command line before this output which is the same in executable. 

After configuring the dialog, click Save. The Output will appear in the Table (Figure 12). Any existing output can be edited or deleted using the action buttons on the far right of the table.


  • Name a label that concisely describes the option, keeping this short ensures that the option label is well displayed and easy to find
  • Type - the type of value this option can assume, which determines the interface used to choose the value during task setup

    • Number - spinner component to select number values

    • Yes/No - check box to select boolean values
    • List - select one or more item from a list of string values
    • Text - input box to select arbitrary string values
    • Fixed - input box to select a fixed string value (will not show up on the configuration UI of the user task)
    • File - file selector for a single file
    • Directory - file selector for a directory
    • Library file - selector for supported, built in library files (e.g. reference fasta, reference VCF)
  • Parameter the parameter used to identify this option on the command line/executable. For example: -a [value], where '-a' is the parameter

  • Description additional information about the option will be available in an 'info' icon (tooltip) when configuring the option
  • Advanced options that are set to advanced will be moved to the advanced options dialog, and can be saved to option sets
  • Required  options that are set to required must be filled with a value when configured, otherwise the option is something that can be left off the command line
  • Only Integersif checked, this option will not allow fractional numbers, such as 74.42
  • Values range - enter two values to define a range of values
  • Default value - enter a default value
  • Allow multiple - if checked,  allows one or more of the list items to be selected
  • Add Value - (for List types) enter one or more strings
  • Library type - (for Library file types) can be a Reference sequence or Variant database 
