Partek Flow Documentation

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To install or upgrade to the latest version of Partek® Flow® softwarePartek Flow software, follow the directions outlined in the Installation Guide.

Release Notes

Children Display


Older release notes are available at the following links:

Updates to the library and database files can be found on Library Files Updates page.


Additional assistance

  • Use multiple colors for a numeric variable to color the scatter plot
  • Added Normalization task option to use a numeric attribute to divide or subtract from data
  • Leiden algorithm option added to the graph-based clustering task
  • Added support to import Seurat 5 object
  • Added support to import Seurat object saved as .qs format
  • Added filter feature option in SVD task
  • Ability to specify multiple urls during fastq file import 
  • Improved filter based on GSEA enrichment score dialog
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Added CellphoneDB task to analyze cell-cell communication process
  • Added display transcripts location ability on 10X Genomics Xenium data visualization
  • Improved trim adaptor task to be more memory efficient
  • Improved file browser when specify a location and click go button, it will scroll to the location on the left panel
  • Moved all tasks in Peak analysis section to Region analysis section
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Added more options for variant filter by fields
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Added hierarchical cluster analysis task to similarity matrix data node
  • Added statistical analysis task to cell descriptive stats
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Improved convert Seurat to matrix dialog to allow to configure meta data
  • Added more options in filter annotated peaks dialog
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Improved differential analysis report filter option on log2 ratio to allow user to specify a range to filter
  • Improved Normalize to housekeeping genes dialog to display both gene ID and gene name
  • Added data repository management on Settings page
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Added long reads aligner minimap2 and pbmm2
  • Simplified the Data Viewer configuration dialogs
  • Added Scree plot and component loadings table to the PCA report by default
  • Added Poisson regression and Negative binomial regression as options in the Differential analysis task
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Automatically generate spatial report on analysis tab after spatial data import
  • Added alt-splicing task option on Salmon's transcript count data node
  • Added STARsolo task for 10x Genomics scRNA-seq data
  • Updated FreeBayes to v1.3.6
  • PCA task default feature filter method is changed to variance from vst 
  • Filter peaks task is moved to Filtering section from Peak analysis section on the menu
  • Make the enable/disable user account as separate privilege from add user account for admin
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Enabled MACS peak detection report visualizations in the Data viewer
  • Improved the algorithm for the normalize to housekeeping genes task
  • Added more gene annotation options in SNV task report
  • Fixed the Venn diagram issue on some of the browsers
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Added search function in Help menu to directly search the content in documentation page
  • Added option to choose a number of features to use in PCA computation
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Improved differential analysis report layout
  • Add impute missing value task
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Improved pre-alignment QC report
  • Fixed differential analysis report table download issue
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • The user interface now boasts a modern appearance
  • Enhanced the import wizard for greater intuitiveness and user-friendliness
  • Added support for SomaLogic ADAT bulk protein data
  • Improved the file browser for fast access to recent server uploads 
  • Bolstered file protection to prevent accidental deletions when used by other projects
  • Added support for the 10x Genomics Xenium platform 
  • Introduced support for the Nanostring CosMx platform
  • Added a new task for Correlation analysis between different assays
  • Improved scatterplot selection with a handy painting mode 
  • Added the ability to display a high resolution Visium image with a new Spatial imaging report task for quick viewing
  • Added a manual alignment option for tissue image visualization 
  • Streamlined the import process for multiple files per sample, e.g. import all 3 sparse matrix (feature-barcode-matrix) files per sample for all samples at one time 
  • Added more available information on the Annotated region report
  • Improved the Seurat object conversion to be more intuitive
  • Added a more detailed report to the Adapter trimming task
  • Creating pseudobulk data by pooling single cells has been made easier with increased functionality
  • Optimized the differential analysis dialogs for improved usability 
  • Changed the default normalization method for bulk RNA-Seq data to Median ratio (DESeq2)
  • Improved the Detect fusions and Trim bases tasks to be more intuitive 
  • Allowed the Single-cell QA/QC task to be performed on individual samples
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

Archived Release Notes -- Partek Flow 10

Additional assistance

Rate Macro
