PGS Documentation

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excludeAdditional Assistance

The volcano plot can be used to visualize displays p-values and fold-changes of numerous genomic features (e.g., genes or probe sets) at the same time. This allows differentially expressed genes to be quickly identified and saved as a gene list.


The volcano plot will open in a new tab (Figure 3). Control and color options for the volcano plot are largely similar to those described for Dot Plotfor a dot plot. On volcano plots with many probe(sets)/genes, the shapes and sizes of individual probe(sets)/genes will not be visible until they are selected. 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextThe volcano plot shows each probe(set)/gene as a point. The X Axis shows fold change with no change (N/C) as the mid-point. The Y Axis shows p-values in descending value from a maximum of 1 at the X Axis intersection.
AnchorNameVolcano Plot


To facilitate analysis, we can add cutoff lines for both fold-change and p-value. 

  • Select (
  • Select AxesSelect the Axes tab
  • Select Set Cutoff Lines (Figure 4)


Because we selected Select all points in a section when adding the cutoff lines, selecting any of the quandrants will select all probe(sets)/genes in that quadrant. If this option is not selected, individual probe(sets)/genes or groups can be selected using selection mode. Gene lists can be generated from selected probe(sets)/genes. 

If columns are selected in the ANOVA results source spreadsheet for the volcano plot, only those columns will be included in the created list.

  • Select the upper right-hand quadrant of the volcano plot
  • Right click the selected quadrant
  • Select Create List (Figure 7)


The list will be saved as a text file and opened open as a child spreadsheet in the Analysis tab. Note that if columns are selected in the ANOVA results source spreadsheet for the volcano plot, only those columns will be included in the created list. 


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