Partek Flow Documentation

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To install or upgrade to the latest version of Partek® Flow® softwarePartek Flow software, follow the directions outlined in the Installation Guide.

The first time you log into Partek Flow 11, your page may not automatically refresh. If this occurs, please perform a hard refresh of your browser:

Windows: Hold down Ctrl + F5 on your keyboard
Mac: Hold down Command + Shift + R on your keyboard

  • Use multiple colors for a numeric variable to color the scatter plot
  • Added Normalization task option to use a numeric attribute to divide or subtract from data
  • Leiden algorithm option added to the graph-based clustering task
  • Added support to import Seurat 5 object
  • Added support to import Seurat object saved as .qs format
  • Added filter feature option in SVD task
  • Ability to specify multiple urls during fastq file import 
  • Improved filter based on GSEA enrichment score dialog
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Added CellphoneDB task to analyze cell-cell communication process
  • Added display transcripts location ability on 10X Genomics Xenium data visualization
  • Improved trim adaptor task to be more memory efficient
  • Improved file browser when specify a location and click go button, it will scroll to the location on the left panel
  • Moved all tasks in Peak analysis section to Region analysis section
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Added more options for variant filter by fields
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Added hierarchical cluster analysis task to similarity matrix data node
  • Added statistical analysis task to cell descriptive stats
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Improved convert Seurat to matrix dialog to allow to configure meta data
  • Added more options in filter annotated peaks dialog
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Improved differential analysis report filter option on log2 ratio to allow user to specify a range to filter
  • Improved Normalize to housekeeping genes dialog to display both gene ID and gene name
  • Added data repository management on Settings page
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Added long reads aligner minimap2 and pbmm2
  • Simplified the Data Viewer configuration dialogs
  • Added Scree plot and component loadings table to the PCA report by default
  • Added Poisson regression and Negative binomial regression as options in the Differential analysis task
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Automatically generate spatial report on analysis tab after spatial data import
  • Added alt-splicing task option on Salmon's transcript count data node
  • Added STARsolo task for 10x Genomics scRNA-seq data
  • Updated FreeBayes to v1.3.6
  • PCA task default feature filter method is changed to variance from vst 
  • Filter peaks task is moved to Filtering section from Peak analysis section on the menu
  • Make the enable/disable user account as separate privilege from add user account for admin
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Enabled visualizations on MACS peak detection report visualizations in the Data viewer
  • Improved the algorithm for the normalize to housekeeping genes task algorithm
  • Added more gene annotation options when annotation in SNV task report
  • Fixed the venn Venn diagram issue on some of the browsers
  • Minor bug fixes 
