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How to Streamline RNA-Seq analysis and increase productivity—point, click, and done

Partek Flow Documentation

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The copy number detection task is used to detect regions of DNA copy number imbalance within the genome for DNA-Seq experiments.   Partek® Flow® provides the CNVkit1 method ( to find regions of altered copy number, optimized for targeted resequencing of whole-exome and targeted panels that utilize a hybrid capture approach.  The methodology uses both targeted reads and nonspecific off-target reads to determine copy number, subsequently normalizing the data to a pooled reference of control samples and correcting for systematic biases.

CNVkit dialog

The CNVkit task can be found under the Copy number analysis tab in the context sensitive menu when any Aligned reads or Filtered reads data node is selected.  The dialog consists of three sections: Define controls, Select Reference Assembly, Target, and Advanced options (Figure 1).

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextExample of the CNVkit dialog for copy number detection. The projects contains a sample attribute that specifies control.
AnchorNameCNVkit dialog

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Define controls allows for the specification of control samples in the project that will be pooled to create a reference copy number for both on- and off-target genomic bins using  bias-corrected read depth from each control sample.  In projects that contain matched tumor/normal samples, all normal samples should be included in the control sample pool.  Control samples can be group based on a categorical attribute in the data tab or manually selected.

Select reference sequence will utilize the species genome build utilized for alignment.  If the selected aligned data node was imported, the reference assembly used during data alignment needs to be specified from the drop-down list.  The Assembly can be previously associated with Partek® Flow® via Library File Management or added on the fly.

The Target section allows for the selection of Method, where the type of sequencing experiment can by specified.  While CNVkit is optimized for copy number detection in hybrid capture experiments, it can also analyze whole genome and amplicon sequencing data.  Assembly should match the reference sequence previously specified.  For hybrid capture or amplicon experiments, Target regions should relate to the regions sequenced in this study using a Gene/feature annotation file.  For whole genome data, Annotation will specify a Gene/feature annotation file that will be used to annotate regions of copy number imbalance.  The Gene/feature annotation can be previously associated with Partek® Flow® via Library File Management or added on the fly.

Advanced options allows for customization of parameters for CNV detection.  Please refer to the CNVkit documentation ( for details on the available parameters.



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