Partek Flow Documentation

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Setting up the task (Figure 1) involves identifying the Genome Build used for variant detection and the Sample to validate within the project.  Target specific regions allows for specification of the Target regions for this study and Benchmark target regions, the former relating , relating to the regions sequenced for all samples in this study and the later the regions the project.  Benchmark target regions represents the regions that have been sequenced and contain the previously interrogated to identify “gold standard” variant calls in the sample of interestThis parameter is These parameters are important to ensure that only overlapping regions are compared, avoiding the identification of false positives or false negative variants in regions covered by only the project sample or the “gold standard” sample.  Both sections utilize a Gene/feature annotation file, which can be previously associated with Partek® Flow® via Library File Management or added on the fly. The Validated variants file is a single sample vcf file containing the “gold standard” variant calls for the sample of interest, and can be previously associated with Partek® Flow® as a Variant Annotation Database via Library File Management or added on the fly.


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SubtitleTextTask dialog for Validate variants
AnchorNamevalidate variants task dialog

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