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How to Streamline RNA-Seq analysis and increase productivity—point, click, and done

Partek Flow Documentation

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Attributes describe samples. Examples of sample attributes include treatment group, age, sex, and time point. Attributes can be added individually in the Metadata tab or in bulk using a text file. In this tutorial, we will add one attribute, 5-AZA Dose, manually.

  • Click the Metadata tab
  • Click Manage under Sample attributes (Figure 1)

Figure 1. Adding sample attributes manually
  • Click Add new attribute (Figure 2)

Figure 2. Adding a new attribute
  • To configure a new attribute, at Name, type in 5-AZA Dose as the name of the attribute
  • Click Add to add 5-AZA Dose as a categorical, project-specific attribute (Figure 3)

Figure 3. Configuring a new attribute
  • Name the first New category 0uM
  • Click the green plus icon to add category (Figure 4)
  • Repeat for two additional categories, 5uM and 10uM (Figure 5)

Figure 4. Creating attribute category

Figure 5. All category attributes for 5-AZA Dose
  • Click Back to metadata tab 

The data table now includes an Attribute column for 5-AZA Dose (Figure 6). Next, we need to assign samples attribute categories for 5-AZA Dose.

Figure 6. Data table updated with column for 5-AZA Dose
  • Select Assign values

The option to edit the 5-AZA Dose field for each sample will appear as a drop-down menu (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Dropdown menu to select treatment for each sample
  • Select the 5-AZA Dose text box for a sample to bring up a drop-down menu with the 5-AZA Dose attribute categories (0uM, 5uM, 10uM)
  • Use the drop-down menus to add a treatment group for each sample

The first three samples (SRR592573-5) should be 0uM, the next three samples (SRR592576-8) should be 5uM, and the final three samples (SRR592579-81) should be 10uM (Figure 8).

  • Click Apply changes

Figure 8. Add 5-AZA dose to each sample as shown

The data table will now show each a 5-AZA Dose attribute for each sample. 

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