Partek Flow Documentation

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QA/QC & Data Processing

Once the data has been imported in the project we can start pre-processing the data:

We will first remove all non-expression features in the data (e.g. NegProbes).

  • Click on  Filtering > Filter features from the menu on the right
  • Select Metadata and set the task settings as follows
  • Click Finish

In the Analyses tab

  • Click on the resulting filtered counts node
  • Select QA/QC > Single cell QA/QC from toolbox, once the task has completed we can open the report by double-clicking the node:

We will remove the cells with low counts and number of detected features.

  • Click on Select & Filter and set lower threshold to 50 for both (remember that this is data-dependent and will change based on your dataset)
  • Click Filter include
  • Click Apply observation filter to the filtered counts node:

Click on the node generated by the filtering task in the Analyses tab.

  • Click Filtering > Filter features. Apply a noise reduction filter:

We can now normalize our filtered data.

  • Click Normalization and scaling > Normalization. Use the recommended settings by clicking :

Data Exploration

Now that we have filtered low quality cells and normalized our data, we can start clustering to identify cell populations.

  • Click on the normalized data node
  • From the menu on the right select Exploratory analysis > PCA. We are going to use the top 2000 features by variance and calculate the first 50 principal components (PCs):


Once the PCA has run, click on the PCA result node in the Analyses tab.

  • Select Exploratory analysis > UMAP from the toolbox. Set the UMAP parameters as follows:
    • Top 20 PCs
    • Local neighborhood size 60
    • Minimal distance 0.20


While the UMAP is running we can also queue a clustering task. Select Exploratory analysis > Graph-based clustering. 

  • We are going to use the Leiden algorithm to cluster our data (make sure to select the radio button for it)
  • Set the number of PCs to 10 
  • In the advanced settings, set the resolution parameter to 8e-5 and click Apply:

Additional Assistance

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