Partek Flow Documentation

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Download this keypair, the run $ chmod 600 Flow-Key.pem (the downloaded key) so it can be used.


The server should be assigned a fixed IP address. To do this, click on "Elastic IPs" on the left navigation menu from the EC2 management console. 

Click "Allocate new address"

Assign Scope to VPC

Click Allocate

On the table containing the newly allocated elastic IP, right click and select "Associate Address"

For Instance select the instance name “Flow Flow Test Server”Server

For Private IP, select the one private IP available for the Partek Flow EC2 instance, then click Associate

Note: For the remaining steps, we refer to the elastic ip as " elastic.ip"


SSH to the new Flow-Server instance:

$ chmod 600 Flow-Key.pem

$ ssh -i Flow-Testing.pem ubuntu@elastic.ip


Attaching the EBS volume for Partek Flow data storage

Attach, format, and move the ubuntu home directory into onto the large ST1 EBS volume. All Flow data will live in this volume. Consult the AWS EC2 documentation for further information about attaching EBS volumes to your instance.

$ sudo su

$ mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdb (

Note: Under Volumes in the EC2 management console, inspect


Attachment information


. It will likely list


the large ST1 EBS volume as attached to /dev/sdb. Replace "s" with "xv" to find the device name to use for this mkfs command



Make a note of the newly created UUID for this volume

Copy the ubuntu home directory onto the EBS volume using a temporary mount point:

$ mount -t ext4 /dev/xvdb /mnt/

$ rsync -avr /home/ /mnt/

$ umount /mnt/

Make the EBS volume mount at system boot:

Add the following to /etc/fstab: UUID=(the-UUID-from-the-mkfs-command-above ) /home   ext4    defaults,nofail        0       2

$ mount -a

Disconnect the ssh session, then log in again to make sure all is well


Install Flow:


Installing Flow on a New EC2 instance

Note: For additional information about Flow installations, see our generic Installation Guide 

Before beginning, send the MAC address of the EC2 instance to The output of ifconfig will suffice. Given this information, we Partek employees will create a license for your AWS server. MAC addresses will remain the same if you stop and start your after stopping and starting the Partek Flow EC2 instance. If you find the MAC address does change, let our licensing department know and we can add your license to our floating license server or suggest other workarounds.

Install the following required packages for Flow:

$ sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install  python perl make gcc g++ zlib1g libbz2-1.0 libstdc++6 libgcc1 libncurses5 libsqlite3-0 libfreetype6 libpng12-0 zip unzip libgomp1 libxrender1 libxtst6 libxi6 debconf
