Partek Flow Documentation

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Creating a New EC2 Instance for Partek Flow

Note: This guide assumes all items necessary for the EC2 instance does not exist, such as VPCs, subnets, and security groups, thus their creation is covered as well.

Log in to the AWS management console at:


Switch to the region intended deploy Flow. This tutorial uses US East (N. Virginia) as an example. 

On the left menu, click on Instances, then click the Launch Instance button. The first step denoted Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) appears.

Click the Select button next to Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-f4cc1de2

For the next step called denoted Choose an Instance Type, the selection depends on your budget and the size of the Partek Flow deployment. We recommend m4.large for testing or cluster front-end operation, m4.xlarge for standard deployments, and m4.2xlarge for alignment-heavy workloads with a large user-base. See the section AWS instance type resources and costs for assistance with choosing the right instance. In most cases, the instance type and associated resources can be changed after deployment, so one is not locked in to the choices made for this step.  

For the step Configure Instance Details, make the following selections:

Set number of instances to 1. An autoscaling group is not necessary for single-node deployments

Purchasing option: Leave Request Spot instances unchecked. This is relevant for cost-minimization of Flow cluster deployments.


Use the following settings for the VPC:

Name tag: Flow-VPC

IPv4 CIDR block:

Select No IPv6 CIDR Block

Tenancy: Default

Click Yes, Create. You may be asked to select a DHCP option set. If so, then make sure the DHCP option set has the following properties:

Options: domain-name = ec2.internal;domain-name-servers = AmazonProvidedDNS;

DNS resolution: leave the defaults set to yes

DNS hostname: change this to yes as internal dns resolution may be necessary depending on the Flow deployment

Once created, the new Flow-VPC will appear in the list of available VPCs. The VPC needs additional configuration for external access. To continue, right click on Flow-VPC and select Edit DNS Resolution, select Yes, and then Save. Next, right click the Flow-VPC and select Edit DNS Hostnames, select Yes, then Save. 

Make sure the DHCP option set is set to the one created above. If it is not, right click on the row containing Flow-VPC and select Edit DHCP option sets.


Click the refresh arrow next to Create new VPC and select Flow-VPC.

Click Create new subnet and a new browser tab will open with a list of existing subnets. Click Create Subnet and set the following options:

Name tag: Flow-Subnet


VPC CIDRs: This should be automatically populated with the information from Flow-VPC

Availability Zone: It is OK to let Amazon choose for you if you do not have a preference

IPv4 CIDR block:

Stay on the VPC dashboard tab and on the left navigation menu, click Internet gateways, then click Create Internet Gateway and use the following options:

Name tag: Flow-IGW

Click Yes, create

The new gateway will be displayed as "detached". Right click on the Flow-IGW gateway and select "Attach to VPC", then select Flow-VPC and click "Yes, Attach".

Click on


Route Tables


on the left navigation menu. 

If it exists, select the route table already associated with Flow-VPC. If not, make a new route table and associate it with Flow-VPC. Click on the new route table, then click the




tab toward the bottom of the page. The route Destination = Target = local should already be present. Click Edit, then Click


Add another route


and set the following parameters:


Target set to Flow-IGW (the internet gateway that was just created)

Click "Save"

Close the VPC Dashboard browser tab and go back to the EC2 Management Console tab.


Note that you should still be on Step 3: Configure Instance Details.


Click the refresh arrow next to "Create new subnet" and select Flow-Subnet.

Auto-assign public ip: Use subnet setting (Disable)
