Partek Flow Documentation

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Make the EBS volume mount at system boot:

Add the following to /etc/


fstab: UUID=(the UUID from the mkfs command above) /home   ext4    defaults,nofail        0       2

mount -a

logout then login


We contain everything in /home/ubuntu, so we need to do a zip install.

Install Flow (we assume you have the license) zip install to keep everything in /home/ubuntu:



Disconnect the ssh session, then log in again to make sure all is well


Install Flow:

Before you begin, send your MAC address to The output of ifconfig will suffice. Given this information, we will create a license for your AWS server. MAC addresses will remain the same if you stop and start your Flow EC2 instance. If you find the MAC address does change, let our licensing department know and we can add your license to our floating license server.

Install the following required packages:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install  python perl make gcc g++ zlib1g libbz2-1.0 libstdc++6 libgcc1 libncurses5 libsqlite3-0 libfreetype6 libpng12-0 zip unzip libgomp1 libxrender1 libxtst6 libxi6 debconf


Now Flow:

Exit back to ubuntu. Be in the home directory


(see generic install instructions as well)

Make sure you are running as the ubuntu user.

cd (we will install Flow to ubuntu's home directory)

wget --content-disposition



vi ~/.bashrc and at the end:

export CATALINA_OPTS="-DflowDispatcher.flow.command.hostname=frontend.flowcluster -DflowDispatcher.akka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname=frontend.flowcluster"


source ~/.bashrc




Flow has finished loading when you see "INFO: Server startup in xxxxxxx ms" in the partek_flow/logs/catalina.out log file. This takes ~30 seconds.

Open Flow with a browser: http://awstestelastic.partek.comip:8080/

Enter license key

Set up Flow admin account

Leave the library file directory where it is at its default location and check that free space matches what you expect (~500 GB)


Notes about EBS volumes:

500 (This is the minimum for st1 volumes) (See: Notes about EBS volumes) Throughput optimized HDD, throughput =  20 / 123 (can’t change) Baseline: 40 MB/s per TiB, no delete on terminate or encrypt

Support and multinode:

IAM Role:

role name = Flow-Testing

role type : add


Amazon EC2


leave policies alone



Background info and rationale for choices:

Candidate nodes, cheapest to most expensive. Cost is dynamic cost (see reserved pricing).

Want network speed to be 1GB/s or greater for multi-node setups.listed for this directory matches what was allocated for the ST1 EBS volume.

Done! You are ready to use Flow.



After the EC2 instance is provisioned, we are happy to assist with setting up Flow or other issues you encounter with the usage of Flow. The quickest way is to allow us remote access to your server by sending us Flow-Key.pem and amending the SSH rule for Flow-SG to include access from IP (Partek HQ). We recommend sending us Flow-Key.pem via secure means. The easiest way to do this is with the following command:

curl -F "file=@FlowKey.pem"

We also provide live assistance via GoTo meeting or TeamViewer if you are uncomfortable with us accessing your EC2 instance directly. Before contacting us, please run ./partek_flow/ to send us logs and other information that will assist us with your support request.


EC2 costs and our recommendations:

With newer EC2 instance types, it is possible to change the instance type of an already deployed Flow EC2 server. We recommend doing several rounds of benchmarks with production-sized workloads and evaluate if the resources allocated to your Flow server are sufficient. You may find that reducing resources allocated to the Flow server may come with significant cost savings, but may cause UI responsiveness and job run-times to reach unacceptable levels. Once you have found an instance type that works, you may wish to use "reserved instance" pricing which is significantly cheaper than dynamic instance pricing. Reserved instances come with 1 or 3 year usage terms. Please see the EC2 Reserved Instance Marketplace to sell or purchase existing reserved instances at reduced rates. 

The network performance of the EC2 instance type becomes an important factor if your pr

Want HVM

No EBS optimized surcharge


500 GB min provisioned storage so min cost = $22.5 per month for a 500 GB drive.

Notes about EBS volumes:

500 (This is the minimum for st1 volumes) (See: Notes about EBS volumes) Throughput optimized HDD, throughput =  20 / 123 (can’t change) Baseline: 40 MB/s per TiB, no delete on terminate or encrypt

Single-Node install : change pref to beefy server
