Partek Flow Documentation

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For Private IP, select the one private IP available, then click Associate



Notes about EBS volumes:

500 (This is the minimum for st1 volumes) (See: Notes about EBS volumes) Throughput optimized HDD, throughput =  20 / 123 (can’t change) Baseline: 40 MB/s per TiB, no delete on terminate or encrypt


Set the frontend domain name (Cluster only)

get started under DNS management

hosted zones, create hosted zone

domain name = flowcluster

type = private for VPC

set to Flow-Testing VPC


hosted zones => create record set

naem = frontend type A - ipv4 address

value set to (flow IP)

routing policy simple


Connect to instance:

chmod the key

ssh -i ~/aws-keys/Flow-Testing.pem

sudo su

/etc/hostname -> frontend.flowcluster (reboot)


For the remaining steps, we refer to the elastic ip as "elastic.ip"


SSH to the new Flow-Server instance:

chmod 600 Flow-Key.pem

ssh -i Flow-Testing.pem ubuntu@elastic.ip


Attach, format, and move the ubuntu home directory into the large ST1 EBS volume. All Flow data will live in this volume.

sudo su

mkfs -t ext4 /dev/xvdb


(Under Volumes in the EC2 console, inspect "Attachment information". It will likely list this volume as attached to /dev/sdb. Replace "s" with "xv" to find the device name to use for this mkfs command)

Make a note of the newly created UUID for this volume

Copy the ubuntu home directory onto the EBS volume using a temporary mount point:

mount -t ext4 /dev/xvdb /mnt/

rsync -avr /home/ /mnt/

umount /mnt/


vi Make the EBS volume mount at system boot:

Add the following to /etc/fstabfstab 

UUID=24311e67-c70a-4b4c-9d2a-e9c016dbce29 (the UUID from the mkfs command above) /home   ext4    defaults,nofail        0       2


Leave library file directory where it is and check that free space matches what you expect (~500 GB)


Notes about EBS volumes:

500 (This is the minimum for st1 volumes) (See: Notes about EBS volumes) Throughput optimized HDD, throughput =  20 / 123 (can’t change) Baseline: 40 MB/s per TiB, no delete on terminate or encrypt

Support and multinode:

IAM Role:
