Partek Flow Documentation

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In Parte Flow, GSEA should perform on a sample/cell and feature matrix data node, e.g. normalization count data. It is to detect a gene set/a pathway is significantly different between two groups. Gene set enrichment should be performed on a filtered gene list, it is to to identify overrepresented gene set/pathway based the filtered gene list using Fisher's exact test. The input data is a filtered list of gene name.

What is fold change?

In Partek Flow, fold change is in linear scale (even the input data is in log scale). It is converted from ratio, which is the LSmean of group one divided by LSmean of group two in your comparison. When ratio is greater than 1, fold change is identical to ratio; when ratio is less than 1, fold change is -1/ratio. There is no fold change value between -1 to 1. When ratio/fold change is 1, it means no change between the two groups.

How do I classify the cells?


How can I transgenes to my reference files? 

How do I add and use my own lists?

Click your avatar in the top right corner of the Partek Flow interface, choose Settings in the menu, and select Lists from the left panel of the Components section. For more information please click here. We do provide hosted lists (from publications) for different cell types or conditions which can also be used in your analysis. Lists can also be generated from 

Can I build and use pipelines for my analysis?
