Partek Flow Documentation

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You will receive a file called id_rsa via email. Download this file, note where you downloaded it to, then use ssh-add to import the key. If you logout or reboot your computer, you will need to re-run the commands below. After key import, you will not be asked a password when transferring files to your Partek Flow server.

$ cd directory/with/key

$ chmod 600 id_rsa

$ ssh-add id_rsa

Change your password

If you prefer to use a password then please change the default one emailed to you as soon as you can.

$ ssh

$ passwd

Copying files and folders between your Partek Flow server and local computer

Uploading data to us

$ scp -r local_folder

Downloading data from the Partek Flow server

$ scp -r local_folder

SCP is useful for sending one file or folder at a time. If copying a folder, the “-r” option tells SCP to copy all files and folders recursively in that folder.


RSYNC is useful when resuming a failed transfer. Instead of re-uploading or downloading what has already been transferred, RSYNC will copy only what it needs.

$ rsync -avr --progress ./local_folder/

With rsync, don't forget the trailing '/' on directory names.
