Partek Flow Documentation

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The implementation of Layers makes optimizations easy and organized. Instead of creating separate nodes in a pipeline, another set of nodes with a different color is stacked on top of previous analyses (Figure 3415). To see the parameters that were changed between runs, hover the mouse icon over the set of stacked task nodes and a pop-up balloon will display them. The text color signifies the layer corresponding to a specific parameter.

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextLayers and balloon text correspond to different parameters



Data associated with any data node can be downloaded using the Download data link in the task pane (Figure 216). Compressed files will be downloaded to the local computer where the user is accessing the Partek Flow server. Note that bigger files (such as unaligned reads) would take longer to download. For guidance, a file size estimate is provided for each data node. These zipped files can easily be imported by the Partek® Genomics Suite® software.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextDownloading the data from a data node using the task pane (an example is shown)



Figure 2. Downloading the data from a data node using the task pane (an example is shown)


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