Partek Flow Documentation

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The Output files section of the Task details page shows the different files generated by the task (Figure 2).



Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSelecting an output file to preview from the Task details
AnchorNameOutput file selection

Note that since some filenames created by Partek Flow are generated by appending the filename of an input file, files may contain several file name extensions. The last extension is the actual file format for the file. In the example in Figure 2, the file in the first row (SRR1020608.fastq.bam) is a BAM file generated from a FASTQ file. 


There may be situations when you wish to preview files that were originally imported into a project. However the first data node in project (known as the origin data node) does not have any task details associated with it in the context-sensitive menu (Figure 7).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextThe origin data node does not have task details in the context-sensitive menu
AnchorNameOrigin data nodes
