Partek Flow Documentation

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We will configure Trim bases to remove base pairs from the 3' end of reads until it reaches a base pair call with a Phred score of equal to or greater than 20. Hover over any  to get additional information about a specific option (Figure 2)

  • Set Trim based on to Quality score
  • Set End min quality level (Phred) to 20 
  • Set Trim from end to 3-prime (right end)
  • Leave Advanced options set to default
  • Select Finish (Figure 2)


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextConfiguring the Trim bases task
AnchorNameConfiguring Trim bases

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The Trim bases task will generate a new data node, Trimmed reads. While tasks have been queued or are in progress they have a lighter color. Any output nodes that the task will generate, such as the Trimmed reads data node from the Trim bases task, are also displayed in a lighter color until the task completes. Once the task begins running, a progress bar is displayed on the task node (Figure 3). 
