PGS Documentation

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Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextAdding a contrast of Down Syndrome and Normal samples
AnchorNameConfiguring ANOVA Contrasts

 Because the data is log2 transformed, PGS will automatically detect this and will automatically select Yes in the Data is already log transformed? at the top right-hand corner. PGS will use the geometric mean of the samples in each group to calculate the fold change and mean ratio for the contrast between the Down syndrome and Normal samples.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextANOVA configuration with contrasts included
AnchorNameANOVA Configuration with Contrasts


  • By default, the Specify Output File is checked and gives a name to the output file. If you are trying to determine which factors should be included in the model and you do not wish to save the output file, simply uncheck this box
  • Select OK in the ANOVA dialog to compute the 3-way mixed-model ANOVA
  • Several progress messages will display in the lower left-hand side of the ANOVA dialog while the results are being calculated.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSources of Variation tab showing a bar chart
AnchorNameANOVA Sources of Variation

 This plot presents the mean signal-to-noise ratio of all the genes on the microarray. All the non-random factors in the ANOVA model are listed on the X-axis (including error). The Y-axis represents the mean of the ratios of mean square of all the genes to the mean square error of all the genes. Mean square is ANOVA’s measure of variance. Compare each signal bar to the error bar; if a factor bar is higher than the error bar, that factor contributed significant variation to the data across all the variables. Notice, that this plot is very consistent with the results in the PCA scatter plot. In this data, on average, Tissue is the largest source of variation.

To view the source of variation for each individual gene, right click on a row header in the ANOVA-3way (ANOVAResults) spreadsheet and select the Sources of Variation item from the pop-up menu. This generates a Sources of Variation tab for the individual gene. View a few Sources of Variation plots from rows at the top of the ANOVA table and a few from the bottom of the table.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextCalling an ANOVA Interaction Plot for a gene
AnchorNameCalling ANOVA Interaction Plot

 Generate these plots for rows 3 (DSCR3) and 8 (CSTB). If the lines in this plot are not parallel, then there is a chance there is an interaction between Tissue and Type. DSCR3 is a good example of this (Figure 7). We can look at the p-values in column 9, p-value(Type * Tissue) to check if this apparent interaction is statistically significant. 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextCreating a gene list from ANOVA results
AnchorNameList Manager


The spreadsheet Down_Syndrome_vs_Normal (A) will be created as a child spreadsheet under the Down_Syndrome-GE spreadsheet.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextGenerating a Volcano Plot from ANOVA results
AnchorNameGenerating Volcano Plot


  • Set X Axis (Fold-Change) to 12. Fold-Change(Down Syndrome vs. Normal), and the Y axis (p-value) to be 110. p-value(Down Syndrome vs. Normal)
  • Select OK to generate a Volcano Plot tab and for genes in the ANOVA spreadsheet (Figure 10)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextVolcano plot generated from ANOVA spreadsheet
AnchorNameVolcano Plot

 In the plot, each dot represents a gene. The X-axis represents the fold change of the contrast, and the Y-axis represents the range of p-values. The genes with increased expression in Down syndrome samples on the right side; genes with reduced expression in Down syndrome samples are on the left of the N/C line. The genes become more statistically significant with increasing Y-axis position. The genes that have larger and more significant changes between the Down syndrome and normal groups are on the upper right and upper left corner. 

In order to select the genes by fold-change and p-value, we will draw a horizontal line to represent the p-value 0.05 and two vertical lines indicating the –1.3 and 1.3-fold changes (cutoff lines).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSetting cutoff lines for -1.3 to 1.3 fold changes and a p-value of 0.05
AnchorNameSet Cutoff Lines


  • Select OK to draw the cutoff lines
  • Select OK in the Plot Rendering Properties dialog to close the dialog and view the plot


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextCreating a gene list from a volcano plot
AnchorNameCreate List from Volcano Plot

 Note: If no column is selected in the parent (ANOVA) spreadsheet, all of the columns will be included in the gene list; if some columns are selected, only the selected columns will be included in the list.

  • Specify a name for the gene list (example: volcano plot list) and write a brief description about the list. The description is shown when you right-click on the spreadsheet > Info > Comments. Here, I have named the list "volcano plot list" and described it as "Genes with >1.3 fold change and p-value <0.05" (Figure 13). 
