PGS Documentation

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  • Invoke the List Manager dialog by selecting Create Gene List in the Analysis section of the Gene Expression workflow
  • Ensure that the 1/ANOVA-3way (ANOVAResults) spreadsheet is selected as this is the spreadsheet we will be using to create our new gene list as shown (Figure 91)
  • Select the ANOVA Streamlined tab. In the  
  • Set Contrast: find genes that change between two categories panel, choose to Down Syndrome vs. Normal and select Have Any Change from the Setting dropdown  drop-down menu list. 

This will find genes with different expression levels in the different types of samples.

  • In the Configuration for “Down Syndrome vs Normal” panel, check that Include size of the change is selected and enter 1.3 into Fold change Change >  and -1.3 in OR Fold change Change <
  • Select Include significance of the change, choose unadjusted p-value from the dropdown menu, and < 0.001 for the cutoff. cutoff  

The number of genes that pass your cutoff criteria will be shown next to the # Pass field. In this example, 30 genes pass the criteria.


  • Set Save the list as A, select Create, and then select 
  • Select Create to generate the new list A
  • Select Close to view the new gene list spreadsheet


  • Select the 1/ANOVA-3way (ANOVAResults) spreadsheet in the Analysis tab. This is the spreadsheet our gene list will be drawn from
  • Select View > Volcano Plot from the Partek Genomics Suite main menu (Figure 102)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextGenerating a Volcano Plot from ANOVA results
AnchorNameGenerating Volcano Plot

  • Set X Axis (Fold-Change) to 12. Fold-Change(Down Syndrome vs. Normal), and the Y axis (p-value) to be 10. p-value(Down Syndrome vs. Normal)
  • Select OK to generate a Volcano Plot tab for genes in the ANOVA spreadsheet (Figure 113)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextVolcano plot generated from ANOVA spreadsheet
AnchorNameVolcano Plot


  • Select Rendering Properties ()
  • Choose the Axes tab
  • Check Select all points in a section to allow Partek Genomics Suite to automatically select all the points in any given section
  • Select the Set Cutoff Lines button and configure the Set Cutoff Lines dialog as shown (Figure 124)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSetting cutoff lines for -1.3 to 1.3 fold changes and a p-value of 0.05
AnchorNameSet Cutoff Lines


  • Right-click on the selected region in the plot and choose Create List to create a list including the genes from the section selected (Figure 135). Note that these p-values are uncorrected


  • Specify a name for the gene list (example: volcano plot list) and write a brief description about the list.  

The description is shown when you right-click on the spreadsheet


> Info > Comments.


 Here, I have named the list "volcano plot list" and described it as "Genes with >1.3 fold change and p-value <0.05" (Figure




 The list can be saved as a text file (File > Save As Text File) for use in reports or by downstream analysis software.
