PGS Documentation

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Versions Compared


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  • Select the Analysis tab
  • Select 1-removeresult (batch-remove) in the spreadsheet tree
  • Select Stat from the main toolbar
  • Select ANOVA...
  • Add Treatment, Time, and Batch factors to the ANOVA Factor(s) panel
  • Add Treatment * Time interaction to the ANOVA Factor(s) panel
  • Select ContratsContrasts...
  • Select Treatment from the Select Factor/Interaction drop-down menu
  • Select Yes for Data is already log transformed? 
  • Set up contrasts of treatment vs. control for E2E2+ICI, E2+Ral, and E2+TOT (Figure 7)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextConfiguring ANOVA to comparing treatment groups to control
AnchorNameANOVA configuration

Image RemovedImage Added

  • Select OK to add contrasts
  • Change output file name to ANOVAResults_batch-remove
  • Select OK to perform the ANOVA
