Partek Flow Documentation

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Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextDifference between Color by Sample and Color by <Attribute>. Color by Sample uses different colours to depict individual samples; Color by <Attribute> uses different colours to depict levels of the selected sample attribute (as present in the Data tab). Alignments and Isoform proportion tracks are shown (an example)
AnchorNameColor difference

Color by Sample

Image RemovedImage Added

Color by <Attribute>


Finally, Color by Match can be used to quickly identify mismatches against the reference genome. A matching base is coloured in blue, while mismatch bases are shown in yellow. 

Read histogram Y-axis



The maximum of the y-axis of Alignments tracks is set by Read histogram Y axis scales option (Figure 7). When using Independent Project max, the y-axis for each track is set individually, based on the maximum within that sample. On the other hand, Linked Track max uses the maximum across all the samples and uses that value as the maximum for all. 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextRead histogram Y axis scales. When set to Linked, all the tracks have the same Y axis maximum, which depends on the sample with the highest coverage. Using Independent sets Y axis maximum independently for each sample.
AnchorNameHistogram Y axis

IndependentProject max

LinkedTrack max

Read histogram type

Read histogram type changes the presentation of the Alignments track and should be used in conjunction with the Group data by and Color by tracks to get the desired visualisation.



Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextAlignments track: coverage per locus is shown by using "Read histogram type" set to "Overlay". Each plot is a single experimental condition ("Group data by" set to "Attribute", "Color by" set to <Attribute>). Lines are rectangular since microarray data is used (an example)

Split read histogram by strand

To view the reads histogram grouped by the specific strand that they've mapped to, click the Split read histogram by strand checkbox. This displays the forward reads at the top half of the track and the reverse reads on the bottom half of the track (Figure 11). This track can be helpful in studies such as ChIP-Seq, where strand-specific read distributions can display hallmarks of DNA-protein interactions.


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SubtitleTextViewing reads by strand along the reads histogram
AnchorNameSplit reads histogram by strand

Image Added


Transcript label

You can use the Transcript label selector to specify labels on the reference transcript track and Isoform proportion track (Figure 1112).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextranscript label: setting the control to Gene shows only gene label, while Transcript shows transcript labels. Both transcript database and Isoform proportion tracks are affected Short sequencing reads can be coloured by strand (Reads pileup color: Strand) or by base (Reads pileup color: Base). Both options are illustrated in Figure 48.
AnchorNameTranscript label

Transcript label: Gene

Transcript label: Transcript


Probe color control customizes the appearance of Probe intensities track (Figure 1314). When set to Intensity, the color of a probe reflects its intensity, using a color gradient from white (low) to admiral (high). Alternatively, when Strand is turned on, probes on the reverse strand are in parakeet green, while probe on the forward strand is in sky blue.


To change any of the colors on the canvas, use the Customize track colors tool. A resulting dialog will help you to pick another color (drop-down button opens the color-picker) (Figure 1415).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextCustomize colors dialog: selecting a drop-down arrow opens the color-picker tool
AnchorNameCustom color dialog


The position of the tracks on canvas can be controlled by using the Track order tool. If you want a track to be visible all the time, i.e. while scrolling up or down, pin it to the top or to the bottom. Figure 15 Below shows the Cytoband track pinnned to the top of the canvas and Reference genome track pinned to the bottom of the canvas. To unpin a track, click on the pin icon ( Image Removed Image Added ). The track will be unpinned and a message No tracks are pinnned to the top / bottom will appear. To pin a track, drag the track name to the No tracks… message. Alternatively, you can use the green arrows ( Image Removed Image Added ) to pin a track. When you mouse over an arrow, the new position of the track will be highlighted on the canvas; click on the arrow to accept.


At the bottom of the control panel you will find the Selection details section (Figure 1617). It is used to display information on the element selected on the canvas (using the Pointer mode).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSelection details showing information on the element selected on the canvas. The example shows details of a microarray probe. Note the two link-outs ("Browse on UCSC" and "BLAST this sequence")
AnchorNameSelection details

Additional assistance



Rate Macro