Partek Flow Documentation

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When you have a lot of observations to display, you can choose to plot add box-whiskers and/or violin plot on the graph (Figure 3), by turn turning on/off the options to display the different type of plots in Style card from the configuration panel.

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextAdd Box-Whisker and Violinplot


You can have multiple categorical attributes on an axis,  e.g. X-axis represent both cell type and age group (Figure 4). Click on the attribute to drag to change the order of the attributes

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextX-axis represent multiple categorical attributes
AnchorNamecat list

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Click the Export image button to save a PNG, SVG, or PDF image to your computer. 

Click the To notebook button to send the image to a page in the Notebook. 




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Rate Macro
