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How to Streamline RNA-Seq analysis and increase productivity—point, click, and done

Partek Flow Documentation

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Feature many-to-one correlation

Only numeric factors are available. When multiple numeric factors are added, the correlation analysis will perform each factor with a feature in the data node independently. If you are interested in particular features, use the Search features box to add one or more. 

  • Select the factors and interactions to include in the statistical test (Figure 2)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSelect the factors and interactions to include
AnchorNameselect factors


Correlation analysis produces a Correlation data node; double-click to open the task report (Figure 3) which is similar to the ANOVA/LIMMA-trend/LIMMA-voom and GSA task reports and includes a table with features on rows and statistical results on columns.


Correlation across assays should be used to perform correlation analysis across different modalities (e.g. ATAC-Seq enriched regions vs. RNA-Seq expression) for multiomics data analysis. This option will only be available when multiple types of data are available in the project. 

  • Select the data node to be compared to the node that the task has been invoked from using the Select data node button
  • Modify any parameters (Figure 4)
  • Click Finish


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextCorrelation across assays can be performed with multiomic data
AnchorNamecorrelation across assays

Correlation across assays analysis options

Correlation and similarity measures

Features within same chromosome: this option will restrict feature comparison to the chromosome location

All features in one data node vs all features in the other data node: this option will perform the comparison using all combinations without location constraint

Pearson: linear correlation: Image Added

Spearman: rank correlation: Image Added

Report correlation pairs

P-value: select a cut-off value for significance and only those pairs that meet the criteria will be reported

abs(Correlation coefficient): select a cutoff for reporting the absolute value of the correlation coefficient (represented by the symbol r) where a perfect relationship is 1 and no relationship is 0

Correlation across assays produces a Correlation pair list data node; double-click to open the list. table (Figure 5). The table can be sorted and filtered using the column titles. 

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextCorrelation across assays table
AnchorNamecorrelation across assays

Image Added

Click Image Added View correlation plot to open the correlation plot for each comparison. Scroll to the bottom of the table to Image Added download the full table report. 

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Rate Macro
