Partek Flow Documentation

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Table of Contents
excludeAdditional Assistance


Data Viewer


- a collection of sheets



- one or more linked plots and controls



- a visualization



Menu = icons located on the left side of the data viewer


graphical representation of tools or controls

Panel (menu)Collection of tools and options available for user selection

Droppable - data that can be dragged and dropped 



- location to drop a droppable 



- Image Modifieddata results from the analysis pipeline


Q- What is the Data


A - The Data viewer is a general-purpose data visualization tool that includes 2D and 3D scatter plots, histograms, heatmaps, violin plots, and more. 

Q- How is it invoked? 
A- Select a data node and double-click to view the task results in the Data viewer. You can also select the Data viewer tab in a project to either start a new session or revisit a saved session. 

Q- Can I


open more than one icon at a time and move it around?
A- Yes, open as many icons as you need at a time and move them around the screen.


Either click Image Modified in the right corner to close the icon or click on the icon in the menu again to close the icon

Q- Is there a recently used function?
A- Yes, there is a recently used function within the


Get data icon. This lets you drag recent nodes or the green droppables (data within a node) to blue targets. 

How do I get started and navigate the data viewer?

To get started in a new data viewer session click New session Image Modified


or open a previously saved session.


Clicking New session will prompt you to drag and drop an available plot or data node to visualize your data


onto the sheet. To do this, use


New plot or


Get data under Setup in the left menu. The menu


descriptions can be


shown Image Modifiedor hidden Image Modified as desiredThe menu is organized


into single-


click Common Controls, Setup, Tools, and Configure icons. Common controls and Setup icons do not change but Tools and Configure icons are context-sensitive and will change according to the selected plot type.


Multiple icons can be open at


once and their dialogs dragged around the screen as desired. Close the dialog by clicking the Image Modified in the right corner or by clicking on the icon again in the menu

  • Common controls


  • :


  • Image AddedSave - overwrite a saved session


  • Image Added Save as


  • save a new session


  • using a new name


  • Image Added Undo - recover backward actions
    Image Added Redo - recover forward actions
    Image Added Export image - download one plot of all plots in a view to your computer
    Image Added Send to notebook - save an image of the entire sheet (all of the plots in view)


  • to the notebook


  • Image Added Capture video - Start capturing a video of the sheet with various formats (nice for 3D scatter plots)
  • Setup:
    Image Added New plot - icons used to make a new plot


  • Image Added Get data - select data from the analysis pipeline


  • Tools


  • :
    Image Added Select &


  • filter - make selections and


  • filter 
    Image AddedClassify - modify and apply selections as


  • classifications 
    Image Added Additional actions - create a feature


  • list 

  • Configure icons are context-sensitive and available options will change according to the plot type


  • selected. Please navigate to the Configure help section below for more details. 

How do I make a plot?

To make a new plot in the


Data viewer, use the Setup icons.


Image AddedNew plot - Clicking to choose a plot type will suggest any appropriate data options from the results that are available in the analysis pipeline,




a node of interest to add it to the sheet.





Image Added

Image AddedGet data - The data type chosen controls which plots will be available for use after the data is dragged onto the sheet. Note that All data nodes (left) follow the hierarchy used in the analysis pipeline while Recently used (right) nodes are updated according to recent use and can similarly be used to plot data. 



Image Added

Note the


target locations presented in blue (top, bottom, left, right, & replace) when dragging data. In


this example, a data node


chosen from


Get data, is being


dragged onto the sheet and


can be placed


at the Top, Right, Bottom, Left, or Replace the existing heatmap. Once dropped


on a target location, a plot type must be chosen. 

                Image Modified

Can you have multiple plots on the sheet?

Yes, build them together. 

  • All


  • plots are interactive. 
  • All


  • plots are from the same data project. 
  • Selection (in the left-side menu Image Added for setting manual or criteria selections and on the right side of individual


  • plots for manual selection by Pointer mode (Image Addedclick to select points), Rectangle mode (Image Addeddraw rectangle to select points), Ellipse mode (Image Addeddraw ellipse to select points), or Lasso mode (Image Addeddraw lasso to select points) and filtering options are linked for the plots on the sheet. Clear filters Image Modifiedin the Select & Filter Image Modified mode to remove selections. 
  • Save plots together from the menu with Export image Image Modified and Send to notebookImage Modified or independently within each


  • plot with Export imageImage Added and Send to notebookImage Modified

When there are multiple plots, how are they controlled and configured?

  • Each plot has its own window


  • that can be resized by dragging the edge of the plot. 
  • Click a plot window to make it active (a dark gray border will appear


  • around the window when active)


  • . The Configure icons


  • display settings for the active plot. 
  • When more than one plot is open on a sheet, plots can be rearranged by dragging from one position to another Image Modified, duplicated Image Modified, enter full screenImage Modified, and exit full screenImage Modified
  • If multiple plot types are selected together with ctrl-click or shift-click, only the plot configuration controls that are shared will be available


  • for use. 
  • Image Added Select &


  • Filter - applies to all of the plots on the sheet. 
  • Controls are located in the same place for each plot, either in the menu on the left, the top of the plot, or the right side of the plot. Even though each plot type has its own available controls that will vary, common controls such as those available above Setup in the menu: 


At the left of the plot:
Image Added Save


Image Added Save a
Image Added Undo
Image Added Redo
Image Added Export image
Image AddedTo notebook

Image AddedCapture video

At the top of the plot:
Image Added Hide controls


Image AddedShow controls
Image Added Click and drag to move the plot


Image Added Duplicate


Image Added Export image


Image Added Send to notebook


Image AddedEnter Full screen,
Image Added Exit Full screen
Image Added Remove plot 

My screen is full of plots. How do I add more plots without starting a new data viewer session? 

Multiple sheets (where plots are added) are allowed in the data viewer. This is helpful when you cannot fit more plots on the sheet (screen), but you still want to use all of the settings that you are working with (e.g., recently used).

  •  Sheet navigation uses a panel at the bottom of the screen Image Modified. Use Image Modified to Add a sheet or the Image Modified to Duplicate, Rename, or Delete a sheet.  

Why does some data


highlight in green when I hover over it? 

Any data


highlighted in a green background Image Modified when hovered over can be dragged


and dropped onto a blue target Image Modified.

  • This includes legend, axis titles, criteria used in Select & Filter, and table features


  • . Any data present in Plot data will


  • be highlighted in green and can be dragged to make a plot.


  • Drag and drop manipulation is also possible for data nodes Image Modifiedpresent in the configure icons (e.g., Axes and Style).

How do I color my plot by a gene? 

There are multiple ways to color plots by a gene or protein (feature) of interest. You can also color by more than one feature on the same plot or even feature lists. You can also choose to represent a feature with styles other than color, like shape or size.  

  • Drag and drop the gene of interest from the appropriate node in


  • Get data (e.g., normalized counts). The Recently used list can be helpful for this if you have already recently used the gene. 
  • Open the Style icon and change Color by. Make sure you are on the appropriate node Image Modified. Some plot types (e.g., tSNE) will invoke Style by clicking the legend. This is where you would color by a feature list that you have saved under list management. 
  • Drag and drop features from another plot on the sheet (e.g., an axis title from a violin plot) or drag and drop features from criteria added to the Select & Filter icon. 

Can I plot genes from tables without going back to the analysis pipeline? 

Yes, report results such as those generated


during differential analysis can be


accessed in the data viewer and specific genes can be plotted. 

  • The tables must be plotted on the sheet. One way to do this is to choose


  • New plot Image Modified, select Table Image Modified (only data in table format are available),


  • then the data


  • to plot. Features (green with hover) are now available


  • to drag and


  • drop on the plot type of interest. 

How do I manipulate my plot without using Tools or Configure? 

  • Selections can be made directly on the plot  Image ModifiedImage ModifiedImage ModifiedImage Modified. This can include selecting populations of cells or selecting genes of interest (e.g., to classify clusters of cells). The menu must still be used to filter Image Modified, classify Image Modified, and create gene lists Image Modified after in-plot selection. 
  • Clicking on the Legend will invoke configure options. The configure options invoked will vary depending on the plot type. 
  • Clicking the axis titles will invoke the axes configuration. 



Image Added New plot

  • Click a plot typeChoosing a plot type will suggest appropriate data options from results available in the analysis pipeline. The search bar can be used to navigate to a specific node of interest (e.g., normalized). Select a data node to add it to the sheet. 
  • Alternatively, drag


  • a plot


  • onto the sheet


  • and drop it on a blue target, then continue with your selections.  


  • Image Added


Image Modified Get Data

All data results from building the analysis pipeline are found hereThis icon is used to create plots, to plot attributes and features of interest (e.g., color a plot by a gene of interest from the normalized data node), and to plot Recently used data


  • Find the data node by expanding the pipeline or use the Search bar to quickly locate results. 

  • To create a plot, drag the node to the sheet and continue with additional selections. 
  • Recently used (right side) data is organized according to the node from which it is derived and will update according to recent use. If the data viewer session is saved, recently used will be saved.
  • Click a node under All data to search data found within that node such as attributes, genes, or lists. Drag data (green droppable) to blue targets (e.g., search the normalized counts node for a gene then drag the gene to color a tSNE plot). Numeric attribute names (e.g., # cells) are green while categorical attribute names (e.g., classifications) are blue. 



Image Added


Image Added Select &



This icon is where selections are made (left side) and filtered (right side). Selecting and filtering will be applied to all plots in the sheet. Selections can be used to filter and/or classify Image Modified. Selections used to filter can be named under classify Image Modifiedand indicate the number of cells included. 

  • Deselected points (the points that are not selected) can either be Dim (colors are not as bright) or Gray (not colored but instead gray)
  • There are two selection modes: Manual and Criteria.
    • Manual
      • Manual governs in plot selections Image ModifiedImage ModifiedImage ModifiedImage Modified which can undergo filtering or classification. 
    • Criteria
      • Criteria allows additions according to the selected node Image Modified(this is criteria used to configure the plot like attributes or genes). 
      • Data can be dragged directly to Add criteria to generate selections or use the drop-down. 
      • When criteria are added, the icon will grow with the selections. Remove the selections by clicking Image Modified
      • Selections can be dragged to blue targets. 


      • Each criterion can be modified. Invert can be used to include or exclude selections. When modifying criteria by low or high values, pin histogram lets you see multiple histograms at a time. Histograms are colored according to selections


      • ; dark blue is


      • the current selection, gray is


      • data outside the current selection (i.e. the positions of the slider handles), and


      • light blue is data that is within the slider’s selected region but is currently deselected by other


      • criteria. 

                                               Image Modified


  • Filter
    • Image Modifiedto


    • include selected points
    • Image Modifiedto exclude


    • selected points


    • Image Modifiedto remove filters


    • The Apply observation filter and Apply feature filter are used to apply filters to data nodes in the analysis pipeline. 

                                            Image Modified


 Image Added Classify

The Classify icon holds draft classifications to be applied or saved classifications that can be opened, applied, and refined as necessary then saved again as a classification with a new


name. Classification names can be edited, and the Classifications can be deleted. The number of points in the classification are listed and will be updated


in accordance with any changes. Classify selection requires a label (name) and will overwrite


any previously applied classification


. Apply classifications can be used to apply the classification to


the project. We recommend frequently saving the data viewer session while classifying cells, prior to applying the classifications; any classifications that have been made but not applied can be viewed on plots using "New classification"

               Image ModifiedImage Modified


Image Modified Additional actions

The Additional actions icon holds other available plot actions. This icon will become available for applicable plot types (e.g., heatmap). Currently, it is used to Create a feature list.  


These are the configuration options for plots


under ConfigureEach of the below icons open a dialog box with plot configuration options. Dialogs can be dragged anywhere on the screen and remain open until closed by clicking Image Added in the upper right corner of the dialog. Multiple dialogs can be open at once. Changes are auto saved and do not affect other plots unless both


plots are selected and modified together. If


a dialog is open but is not available for use in


the currently selected plot,


a warning will appear.

Image Added Description

  • Click the Title on a plot or choose the Description icon from the menu. 
  • This contains Title and Legend settings. 


Image Modified Axes

  • Click the Axes icon from the menu. The axes dialogue can also be opened by clicking the X, Y, or Z axis titles. 
  • The available options change depending on the plot type. 
  • Transpose the axis. 
  • Modify the plotted Content (the data represented). 
  • Alter the Grid and Sorting settings. 
  • Features and attributes can be dragged to the Axes card Image Modified. Alternatively, drag feature and attributes from the axis to plots using the data node Image Modified


Image Modified Content


  • Content configuration options


                Image RemovedImage RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed


  • are available for tables and text where it contains modification options as well as the node where the data comes from in the analysis pipeline; to change this source select the node of interest by clicking on it. 

Image Added Style

  • Style can be invoked from the menu or by clicking the Legend 


  • on most plot types. 


  • Color, Size, Shape, Labeling, Summary (e.g. violin), and Style (bar or line) settings are


  • accessed using this icon


Image Modified Grouping

  • Grouping is only invoked from the menu. 


  • Access split, connect, and highlight by


  •  options


Image Modified Statistics

  • Statistics


  • are invoked in the menu. 


  • Used for Analytics (regression line) and to modify plot Significance


Image Modified Background

  • The Background can be modified for some


  • plot types; this setting is found in the menu. 
  • PNG, JPG, and BMP files are supported by all major web browsers. Your browser may support additional formats. 


Image Modified Control 

  • Control is used for 3D scatter plots and found in


  • this menu. 


  • Settings for moving the 3D plot


Heatmap & Bubble map 

Please see Hierarchical Clustering Configuration Settings for details related to configuring a heatmap or bubble map in the data viewer.

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Rate Macro