Partek Flow Documentation

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Set the number of instances to 1. An autoscaling group is not necessary for single-node deployments

Purchasing optionOption: Leave Request Spot instancesInstances unchecked. This is relevant for cost-minimization of Partek Flow cluster deployments.

Network: If you do not have a VPC already created for Partek Flow, click Create new New VPC. This will open a new browser tab for VPC management. 

Use the following settings for the VPC:

Name tagTag: Flow-VPC

IPv4 CIDR block:


Click Yes, Create. You may be asked to select a DHCP option Option set. If so, then make sure the DHCP option set has the following properties:

Options: domain-name = ec2.internal;domain-name-servers = AmazonProvidedDNS;

DNS resolutionResolution: leave the defaults set to yes

DNS hostnameHostname: change this to yes as internal DNS resolution may be necessary depending on the Partek Flow deployment


Make sure the DHCP option set is set to the one created above. If it is not, right-click on the row containing Flow-VPC and select Edit DHCP option setsOption Sets.

Close the VPC managementManagement tab and go back to the EC2 management consoleManagement Console.

Click the refresh arrow next to Create new New VPC and select Flow-VPC.

Click Create new subnet and a new browser tab will open with a list of existing subnets. Click Create Subnet and set the following options:

Name tagTag: Flow-Subnet


VPC CIDRs: This should be automatically populated with the information from Flow-VPC


IPv4 CIDR block:

Stay on the VPC dashboard tabDashboard Tab and on the left navigation menu, click Internet gatewaysGateways, then click Create Internet Gateway and use the following options:

Name tagTag: Flow-IGW

Click Yes, createCreate

The new gateway will be displayed as detached Detached. Right click on the Flow-IGW gateway and select Attach to VPC, then select Flow-VPC and click Yes, Attach.


Click the refresh arrow next to Create new subnetNew Subnet and select Flow-Subnet.

Auto-assign public ipPublic IP: Use subnet setting (Disable)

Placement groupGroup: No placement group

IAM role: None.

Note: For multi-node Partek Flow deployments or instances where you would like Partek to manage AWS resources on your behalf, please see Partek AWS support and set up an IAM role for your Partek Flow EC2 instance. In most cases a specialized IAM role is unnecessary and we only need instance ssh keys.

Shutdown behaviourBehaviour: Stop

Enable termination protectionTermination Protection: select Protect against accidental termination

Monitoring: leave Enable CloudWatch detailed monitoringDetailed Monitoring disabled

EBS-optimized instanceInstance: Make sure Launch as EBS-optimized instanceInstance is enabled. Given the recommended choice of an m4 instance type, EBS optimization should be enabled at no extra cost. 

Tenancy: Shared - Run a shared hardware instance

Network interfacesInterfaces: leave as-is

Advanced detailsDetails: leave as-is

Click Next: Add storageStorage. You should be on Step 4: Add Storage

For the existing root volume, set the following options:

Size: 8 GB

Volume typeType: Magnetic

Select Delete on terminationTermination

Note: All Partek Flow data is stored on a non-root EBS volume. Since only the OS is on the root volume and not frequently re-booted, a fast root volume is probably not necessary or worth the cost. For more information about EBS volumes and their performance, see the section EBS volumes.


Click Next: Configure Security Group

For Assign a security groupSecurity Group select Create a new security groupNew Security Group

Security group nameGroup Name: Flow-SG

Description: Security group for Partek Flow server


The server should be assigned a fixed IP address. To do this, click on Elastic IPs on the left navigation menu from the EC2 management consoleManagement Console.

Click Allocate new addressNew Address

Assign Scope to VPC

Click Allocate


Note: Under Volumes in the EC2 management console, inspect Attachment informationInformation. It will likely list the large ST1 EBS volume as attached to /dev/sdb. Replace "s" with "xv" to find the device name to use for this mkfs command.
