Partek Flow Documentation

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Click the refresh arrow next to Create new subnet and select Flow-Subnet.

Auto-assign public ip: Use subnet setting (Disable)

Placement group: No placement group

IAM role: None. NOTE

Note: For multi-node Flow deployments or instances where you would like Partek to manage AWS resources on your behalf, please see


Partek AWS support


and set up an IAM role


for your Partek Flow EC2 instance. In most cases a specialized IAM role is unnecessary and we only need instance ssh keys.

Shutdown behavior: Stop

Enable termination protection: select "Protect against accidental termination"

Monitoring: leave " Enable CloudWatch detailed monitoring" disabled

EBS-optimized instance: Make sure "Launch as EBS-optimized instance" is enabled and non-selectable. Given the recommended choice of a m4 instance type, EBS optimization should be enabled at no extra costs. 

Tenancy: Shared - Run a shared hardware instance

Network interfaces: leave as-is

Advanced details: leave as-is

Click "Next: Add storage". You should be on the "Step 4: Add Storage"

For the existing root volume, set the following options:

Size: 8GB 8 GB

Volume type: Magnetic

Select "Delete on termination"


Note: All Partek Flow data is stored on a non-root EBS volume. Since only the OS is on the root volume and not frequently re-booted, a fast root volume is probably not necessary or worth the cost. For more information about EBS volumes and their performance, see the section EBS volumes.

Click Add New Volume" and set the following options:

Volume Type: EBS

Device: /dev/sdb (take the default)

Do not define a snapshot

Size (GiB): 500

Note:This is the minimum for


ST1 volumes


, see:


EBS volumes


Volume Type: Throughput optimized HDD (ST1)

Do not delete on terminate or encrypt

Click "Next: Add Tags"

You do not need to define any tags for this new EC2 instance, but you can if you would like.

Click "Next: Configure Security Group

For "Assign a security group" select "Create a new security group"

Security group name: Flow-SG

Description: Security group for Flow server

Add the following rules:1)

SSH set Source to My IP (or the address range of your company or institution)


Click Add Rule



Set Type


 to Custom TCP Rule


Set Port Range


to 8080


Set Source


to anywhere (, ::/0)


Note: It is recommended to restrict


Source to just those that need access to Flow.

Click "Review and Launch"

The AWS console will suggest this server not be booted from a magnetic volume. Since there is not a lot of IO on the root partition and reboots are will be rare, choosing


Continue with Magnetic


will reduce costs. Choosing an SSD volume will not provide substantial benefit but it it OK if one wishes to use an SSD volume. See the EBS Volumes section for more information.

Click Launch

Create a new keypair:



the keypair Flow-Key


Download this keypair, the run $ chmod 600


Flow-Key.pem (the downloaded key) so it can be used.

Backup this key as


one may lose access to the Partek Flow instance without it.

The new instance will now boot. Use the left navigation bar and click on Instances. Click the pencil icon and assign the instance the name “Flow Server”Next, we will need to make the server accessible at a fixed Flow Server

Enabling External access to the Partek Flow EC2 Instance

The server should be assigned a fixed IP address. To do this, click on "Elastic IPs" on the left. 


Done! You are ready to use Flow.


Partek AWS Support

After the EC2 instance is provisioned, we are happy to assist with setting up Flow or other issues you encounter with the usage of Flow. The quickest way is to allow us remote access to your server by sending us Flow-Key.pem and amending the SSH rule for Flow-SG to include access from IP (Partek HQ). We recommend sending us Flow-Key.pem via secure means. The easiest way to do this is with the following command:


Network performance values for US-EAST-1 correspond to: Low ~ 50Mb/s, Medium ~ 300Mb/s, High ~ 1Gb/s.




EBS Volumes

Volume type:

This is dependent on the type of workload. For must users, the Flow server tasks will be alignment-heavy so we recommend a throughput optimized HDD (ST1) EBS volume since most aligner operations are sequential in nature. For workloads that focus primarily on downstream analysis, a general purpose SSD volume will suffice but the costs are greater. For those who focus on alignment or host several users the storage requirements can be high. ST1 EBS volumes have the following characteristics:
