Partek Flow Documentation

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Click "Add New Volume" and set the following options:

Volume Type: EBS

Device: /dev/sdb (take the default)

Do not define a snapshot

Size (GiB): 500


This is the minimum for st1 volumes


(See: Notes about EBS volumes)

Volume Type: Throughput optimized HDD



Do not delete on terminate or encrypt


no tags


create new security group

name = Flow-Testing

desc = Default Flow SG for testing

1) ssh (defaults) source = myIP

2) add rule, custom, port range = 8080, source Click "Next: Add Tags"

You do not need to define any tags for this new EC2 instance, but you can if you would like.

Click "Next: Configure Security Group" 

For "Assign a security group" select "Create a new security group"

Security group name: Flow-SG

Description: Security group for Flow server

Add the following rules:

1) SSH set Source to My IP (or the address range of your company or institution)

2) Click Add Rule, Type is Custom TCP Rule, Port Range = 8080, Source is anywhere (, ::/0)



Boot from…

Continue with Magnetic


. It is recommended to restrict this to just those that need access to Flow.

Click "Review and Launch"

AWS will suggest this server not be booted from a magnetic volume. Since there is not a lot of IO on the root partition and reboots are will be rare, choosing "Continue with Magnetic" will reduce costs. Choosing an SSD volume will not provide substantial benefit but it it OK if one wishes to use an SSD volume.

Click Launch

Create a new keypair : Name it Flow-TestingKey, download it. , the run chmod 600 on the downloaded key so it


Instance now boots, go to instances, give it a name “Flow Test Server”


Make new elastic IP, scope = VPC

New associate address, resource type = instance, pick “Flow Test Server”can be used. Backup this key as you may lose access to the Flow instance without it.

The new instance will now boot. Use the left navigation bar and click on Instances. Click the pencil icon and assign the instance the name “Flow Server”

Next, we will need to make the server accessible at a fixed address. To do this, click on "Elastic IPs" on the left. 

Click "Allocate new address"

Assign Scope to VPC

Click Allocate

On the table containing the newly allocated elastic IP, right click and select "Associate Address"

For Instance select the instance name “Flow Test Server”

For Private IP, select the one private IP available, then click





Notes about EBS volumes:

 500 500 (This is the minimum for st1 volumes) (See: Notes about EBS volumes) Throughput optimized HDD, throughput =  20 / 123 (can’t change) Baseline: 40 MB/s per TiB, no delete on terminate or encrypt


Can’t connect, go to services, VPC, your VPC

(solved above by subnet rules)


Set the frontend domain name (Cluster only)
