Partek Flow Documentation

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Every project can be exported before it is removed from the server. By exporting old projects, so you can free up some server storage on your server, and . You can import the exported project in to back into Partek Flow later on if needed. When you are an opened project,

Exporting a Project

Open a project and on the analysis page, click on the gear  button to and choose Image Added Export project option (Figure 1), or on the . You can also export the project directly from Partek Flow home page , click on by clicking the  button  icon under the Action column (Figure 2). 

When you export a project, you will be asked whether to include library files to export , if or not.  If you choose Yes, the current version of library files used in the project will be archived , and you can reproduce the result when you later import the project and re-do the analysis.  However, however, it will make the archive size bigger. When If you choose No, the library files will not be exported,  when later on . Note that when you import the project later, you can only use the available version of needed library files to re-do the same analysis, and the result results might not be the same.

Importing a Project

The Import project import option is under Projects drop-down menu on the top of Flow page (Figure 5). This can be accessed on any Partek Flow page.

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextImport project menu
AnchorNameimport project

The input of this option is the zipped file format of the exported project. Browse to the file location which can either be either on the Partek Flow server, or a local machine, or an a URL. The zip file first needs to be uploaded to the Flow server (if it is not on the server already), and then Flow will unpack the zip file into a project. The project name will be the same as the exported project name. 
