Partek Flow Documentation

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Versions Compared


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To install or upgrade to the latest version of Partek® Flow® software, follow the directions outlined in the Installation Guide.Note:
The first time you log into Partek Flow



Windows: Hold down Ctrl + F5 on your keyboard
Mac: Hold down Command + Shift + R on your keyboard


  • Automatically generate spatial report on analysis tab after spatial data import
  • Added alt-splicing task option on Salmon's transcript count data node
  • PCA task default feature filter method is changed to variance from vst 
  • Filter peaks task is moved to Filtering section from Peak analysis section on the menu
  • Make the enable/disable user account as separate privilege from add user account for admin
  • Minor bug fixes 

Latest docker image:

  • Enabled MACS peak detection report visualizations in the Data viewer
  • Improved the algorithm for the normalize to housekeeping genes task
  • Added more gene annotation options in SNV task report
  • Fixed the Venn diagram issue on some of the browsers
  • Minor bug fixes 
