Partek Flow Documentation

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To create a project, you first need to transfer the data files to the Flow server, and then import the files into your project using the import data wizard, here is the video and more information.

Why do I get "?" for FDR p-values in my Deseq2 result?


FDR is the expected proportion of false discoveries among all discoveries. FDR Step-up is a particular method to keep FDR under a given level, alpha, that was proposed in this paperIn Partek Flow, if one calls all of the features with p-values 0.02 or less, the FDR is less or equal to 0.41.

What is the difference between GSEA and Gene Set Enrichment?


Click your avatar in the top right corner of the Partek Flow interface, choose Settings in the menu, and select Lists from the left panel of the Components section. For more information please click here. We do provide hosted lists (from publications) for different cell types or conditions which can also be used in your analysis . Lists and lists can also be generated from from result tables. 

Can I build and use pipelines for my analysis?
