Partek Flow Documentation

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Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextRun PCA with default settings
AnchorNamePCA task set up

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388pxA PCA task node will be added to the pipeline under the Analyses tab and a circular PCA output data node will be produced (Figure 2).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextClick and drag the Scree plot to replace the PCA plot on the canvas
AnchorNameReplace PCA with Scree plot

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  • Select PCA as data for the new Scree plot (Figure 5)


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextThe PCA data node contains the data to draw the Scree plot
AnchorNameChoose PCA data for Scree plot

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The Scree plot (Figure 6) shows the eigenvalues on the y-axis for each of the 100 PCs on the x-axis. The higher the eigenvalue, the more variance explained by each PC. Typically, after an initial set of highly informative PCs, the amount of variance explained by analyzing additional components is minimal. By identifying the point where the Scree plot levels off, you can choose an optimal number of PCs to use in downstream analysis steps like graph-based clustering and UMAP.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextIdentifying the optimal number of PCs
AnchorNameScree plot PC15

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Graph-based clustering


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextGraph-based clustering task set up. Reduce the number of PCs to 15
AnchorNameGraph-based clustering set up

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A Graph-based clustering task node will be added to the pipeline under the Analyses tab and a circular Graph-based clusters output data node will be produced (Figure 10)


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextGraph-based clustering task and output data nodes
AnchorNameGraph-based clustering output

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Once the graph-based clustering task has completed, we can visualize the results with a UMAP plot. You could use the same steps here to generate a t-SNE plot. For this tutorial, we will use UMAP, as it is faster on several thousand cells.

  • Click the circular Graph-based clusterscircular PCA data node
  • Click Exploratory analysis in the toolbox
  • Click UMAP
  • Set the number of principal components to 15 (Figure 11)
  • Click Finish to run the task


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextUMAP task set up. Reduce the number of PCs to 15.
AnchorNameUMAP task set up

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A UMAP task node will be added to the pipeline under the Analyses tab and a circular UMAP output data node will be produced (Figure 12)


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextUMAP task and output data node
AnchorNameUMAP output

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Notes on Performing Exploratory Analysis with Protein or Gene Expression Data Only


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextExample of how the pipeline might look if you split the merged counts and perform exploratory analysis for protein and gene expression data separately
AnchorNameSplit merged counts for exploratory analysis

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You can then use the Data viewer to bring together multiple plots for comparison (Figure 14).
