Partek Flow Documentation

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  • Click the Normalized counts node
  • Click Differential analysis Statistics in the task menu
  • Click GSA Differential analysis in the task menu (Figure 1)

Image Removed
Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextInvoking GSA from the task menu
AnchorNameInvoking GSA
Navigating to the differential analysis options
AnchorNameDifferential analysis

Image Added

Select the appropriate differential analysis method (Figure 2). In this tutorial we are going to use GSA, but Partek Flow offers a number of alternatives. Hover the mouse over the [...] symbol for more informations.

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSelect the method for differential analysis from the options provided.
AnchorNameMethod choice

Image Added

The Included attributes page shows all available attributes for analysis (Figure 23). Here, we only have one attribute, 5-AZA Dose.


The Comparisons page will open (Figure 34). 

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextThe Comparison selector allows multiple comparisons to be designed and added
AnchorNameComparison selector


  • Select 5μM in the upper box
  • Select 0μM in the lower box 
  • Click Add comparison to add 5μM vs. 0μM to the comparison table (Figure 45)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextDesigning a comparison to add
AnchorNameAdding comparisons

  • Repeat to create comparisons for 10μM vs. 0μM and 5μM:10μM vs. 0μM (Figure 56)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextComparisons for 5uM vs. 0uM, 10uM vs. 0uM, and 5uM:10uM vs. 0uM have been added
AnchorNameComparisons set up


GSA task node and a GSA data node will be added to the pipeline (Figure 67). 

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextGene analysis task node and Feature list data nodes
AnchorNameGene analysis task node
