Partek Flow Documentation

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Versions Compared


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To install or upgrade to the latest version of Partek® Flow® software, follow the directions outlined in the Installation Guide.

  • Added annotate features task on single cell count data node
  • Added round normalization method
  • Added filter task on gene set enrichment report data node
  • Added LIMMA-trend and LIMMA OOM method options in differential analysis
  • Minor bug fixes

  • Improved the Data viewer interface to make it more user friendly and more flexible, added how-to video link in each dialog
  • Improved the speed and memory efficiency for the Seurat3 integration task
  • Improved TF-IDF normalization memory usage
  • Improved import of scATAC count matrix to be more memory efficient
  • Changed the classify tool by removing the data node selection step when using apply classifications 
  • Changed the computation of median, Q1, Q3 on the Box & Whisker plot using a different method to match the descriptive statistics method
  • Changed the default promoter regions to be up/down 1000bp from TSS for annotate regions
  • Added function to save video for 3D scatterplot rotation
  • Added import for VDJ annotation combined with gene expression data generated from the Cell Ranger pipeline
  • Added support for Space Ranger 2.0 outputs
  • Added a function to compute descriptive statistics on observations to use a list of features
  • Added Spot clean task on Space ranger output data node
  • Combined differential analysis methods into one task on the menu
  • Minor bug fixes
