Partek Flow Documentation

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Table of Contents
excludeAdditional Assistance






  • A critical bug fix on deleting a task in imported projects



  • Added a feature of allowing manually type in a list of features to color in scatterplot
  • Added annotate Visium task to add tissue position and image information on 10X Genomics Visium data
  • Added compute biomarker as an independent task in addition to the subtask in any classification task
  • Improved the Seurat3 integration task
  • Enable both Monocle 2 and Monocle 3 in trajectory analysis
  • Added download options for mm39 assembly library files
  • Minor bug fixes







  • Added number of genes for up and down regulation separately in volcano plot
  •  Annotate Visium task to add tissue position and image information on 10X Genomics Visium data
  • Minor bug fixes






  • Improved the speed on list management page display
  • Sped up the single cell fastq files process tasks
  • Improved importing ENA projects
  • Improved DESeq2 differential analysis
  • Minor bug fixes



  • Added HTSeq quantification method to Microarray data analysis
  • Added BWA method on ERCC in pre-alignment QA/QC
  • Added project statistics information on homepage
  • Improvement Monocle 3 (trajectory analysis) to automatically detect the input data is in log scale or not
  • Minor bug fixes






  • Move Help to menu bar on the top of the homepage (from Settings)
  • Added DESeq2 differential analysis task
  • Upgrade distributed JRE to the most recent release version
  • Minor bug fixes



  • Upgrade trajectory analysis using monocle 3 algorithm
  • Added bubble map shortcut in data viewer
  • Added function to specify gene list in filter feature dialog without creating a list beforehand
  • Added more options in usage report
  • Changed the graph-based clustering nearest neighbor type default from KNN to NN-Descent
  • Improvement on interface
  • Minor bug fixes






  • Fixed split by attributes issue
  • Fixed PCA issue

  • Fixed some aligner issues

  • Improved the speed on user interface
  • Fixed the reset password issue



  • Added publish cell attributes to project task
  • Scatterplot selection labeling is turned off by default
  • Minor bug fixes

  • Added more options to generate usage report
  • Added more configuration options in BWA-MEM
  • Added download to the user management table
  • Minor bug fixes



  • Added file transfer function on Flow homepage
  • Single cell classification result is project level single cell attribute, it can be managed on the data tab
  • Improved data tab interface
  • Added volcano plot as a separate plot type in data viewer
  • Added functionality on configuring axis title and label in data viewer plot
  • Added library file sharing preference in user preference page
  • Added importer on .tsv file format
  • Improved orphaned file verification
  • Bug fixes

  • Improved bioproject download from ENA
  • Added configuration on plot title
  • Added ability to select points on scatterplot legend
  • Allow trajectory analysis to be performed on PCA output node
  • Bug fixes

  • Added trajectory analysis report into data viewer
  • Added color configuration on box-whisker plot and violin plot
  • Added .pdf option to data viewer download file format
  • Bug fixes

  • Added importer on data files from single cell portal site
  • Bug fixes

  • Move Single cell QA/QC plot into data viewer
  • Added more functionalities on user added task module
  • Improved the speed on tSNE computation
  • Bug fixes

  • Added ability to share library files at different levels
  • Improved the user interface on data viewer
  • Added importer on Seurat object
  • Added split matrix data node by categorical attribute
  • Separated PCA calculation from UMAP, tSNE, Graph-based clustering analysis
  • Upgrade STAR aligner to 2.7.3a
  • Added ability to combine multiple attributes into one
  • Added ability to change the data node label
  • Added task to down-sampling single cells
  • Removed blank plot in data viewer
  • Improved speed and memory usage on multiple tasks
  • Bug fixes

  • Add a separate link to the input information in the task detailed page
  • Performance improvement and bug fixes

  • Performance improvement
  • Minor bug fixes

  • Improved .bcl file importer for data generated from the 10X Genomics platform
  • Dot plot is integrated into the data viewer
  • Volcano plot is integrated into the data viewer
  • Enhanced configuration ability of axes ranges in data viewer plots
  • Added support for cell annotation files in .csv format
  • Changed UMAP initialize output values default settings to random from spectral
  • Minor bug fixes

  • Improvement on the performance of data viewer
  • Improvement on the speed of hierarchical clustering task
  • Minor bug fixes


  • Plot multiple viewers in one session
  • Data content can be selected from any data node in the same project
  • Analysis steps are recorded in each viewer session, Undo/Redo is enabled
  • Plot types are2D scatterplot, 3D scatterplot, feature histogram, feature profiles
  • Tables and text boxes can be added in data viewer
  • Data node used for axes can be different from data node used for rendering



  • Added heatmap plot type in data viewer, hierarchical cluster report is in data viewer
  • Added pie chart on visualizing categorical sample/cell annotation
  • Added Harmony algorithm for data transformation
  • Added Scran normalization method
  • Added Seurat 3 integration task
  • Added more options on descriptive statistics task
  • Added filtering capability on task management page
  • Added ability to perform biological interpretation on miRNA data
  • Added similarity matrix task on bulk RNA count matrix data node
  • Added correlation section on task menu and move sample correction, correlation analysis under this menu
  • Added function to import count matrix to allow import multiple files
  • Added function to use sample name to split attribute on single cell data node
  • Improved text importer to handle text file generated from R which has the first column shifted
  • Improved speed on data viewer
  • Improved volcano plot display
  • Improved filter feature task dialog speed and added filter based on feature meta data
  • Changed the default calculation on features in descriptive statistics dialog
  • Changed single cell QA/QC plot to display 4 plots by default
  • Changed DESeq2 only normalization report not using per million scale
  • Changed the per million normalization using the sum of input count instead of aligned read counts
  • Removed the log transformation in tSNE, UMAP and graph-base clustering dialog to reduce confusion
  • Minor bug fixes