Partek Flow Documentation

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SubtitleTextTranscript database track: a gene with two transcripts is shown as an example. Exons are plotted as boxes and introns as lines connecting them. Untranslated regions (UTRs) are seen as narrow boxes. The arrows indicate directionality
AnchorNameTranscript database track

Customizing the View


Chromosome view can be customized by using the control panel on the left (Figure 37). The Attribute and Order By controls show options depending on the current project, while the content of the Annotate amino acids control depends on the annotation files associated with the current genome build in the Library File Management. In order for any change to take place, push the Apply button.


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SubtitleTextControl panel (an example is shown)
AnchorNameControl panel

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Group data by

The first option, Group data by, specifies the number of Alignments tracks (Figure 38). All will result in only one track, with all the samples on it. Sample creates one track per sample, while Attribute produces one Alignments track per level of the Attribute (i.e. one track per group). 


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SubtitleTextGroup data by: All creates one Alignments track for the entire project, Sample creates one Alignments track for each sample, Attribute creates one Alignments track for each group (an example is shown)
AnchorNameGroup options


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Annotate amino acids by

Annotate amino acids by controls the appearance of the Amino acids track and allows you to pick the transcript database that will be used to plot codons (Figure 39). The drop down list shows the databases currently available for the selected genome (

databases can be added via Library File Management). 





SubtitleTextAnnotate amino acids by: transcript models currently associated with the chosen genome are displayed in the drop-down list and can be used to plot Amino acids track (an example is shown)
AnchorNameAmino annotation


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Color by

Color by option affects the colouring of the Alignments track and Isoform proportion track. When Sample is selected from the drop-down list, individual samples will be shown on the aforementioned tracks, each sample being given a different colour. If attributes were assigned to samples, they will also be visible in the Color by drop-down (Figure 40) and you will be able to highlight levels of the selected attribute (Figure 41).


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SubtitleTextColor by: the options control colouring of Alignments and Isoform proportion tracks. Sample, Base, and Match options are present by default. If attributes have been assigned to samples, they will appear in the drop-down list. In this example, that is the "Tissue" attribute
AnchorNameColor options

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SubtitleTextDifference between Color by Sample and Color by <Attribute>. Color by Sample uses different colours to depict individual samples; Color by <Attribute> uses different colours to depict levels of the selected sample attribute (as present in the Data tab). Alignments and Isoform proportion tracks are shown (an example)
AnchorNameColor difference

Color by Sample

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Color by <Attribute>

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The effect of the option to Color by Base can be seen with high power magnification (Figure 42). Individual base calls are highlighted by different colours. When that option is chosen at low power magnification, all the bases are shown in grey.


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SubtitleTextColor by Base highlights the base calls by colours. Different colours are visible with high power magnification; otherwise all the bases are shown in gray (an example)
AnchorNameColor by Base

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Finally, Color by Match can be used to quickly identify mismatches against the reference genome. A matching base is coloured in blue, while mismatch bases are shown in yellow. 


Read histogram Y-axis scales

The maximum of the y-axis of Alignments tracks is set by Read histogram Y axis scales option (Figure 43). When using Independent, the y-axis for each track is set individually, based on the maximum within that sample. On the other hand, Linked uses the maximum across all the samples and uses that value as the maximum for all. 


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SubtitleTextRead histogram Y axis scales. When set to Linked, all the tracks have the same Y axis maximum, which depends on the sample with the highest coverage. Using Independent sets Y axis maximum independently for each sample.
AnchorNameHistogram Y axis

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Read histogram type

Read histogram type changes the presentation of the Alignments track and should be used in conjunction with the Group data by and Color by tracks to get the desired visualisation.


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SubtitleTextAlignments track: total coverage per locus is shown by using "Read histogram type" set to "Sum" and "Group data by" set to <Attribute>
AnchorNameTotal coverage

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To show average coverage per locus, switch Read histogram type to Average and leave Color by as is (i.e. by group) (Figure 45). With this setting, Chromosome view will calculate the average by dividing the total coverage per locus by the number of samples. Note that using Color by Sample would not make sense here. Although Figure 44 looks quite like Figure 43, the y-axis range is different.


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SubtitleTextAlignments track: average coverage per locus is shown by using "Read histogram type" set to "Average", "Group data by" set to "Attribute", and "Color by" set to <Attribute>
AnchorNameAverage coverage

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Finally, the option Overlay is useful if you want to directly compare base counts over several samples (or groups) as each will be represented by a line (i.e. no stacking). Example in Figure 46 is based on microarray data, showing three groups on the same Alignments track. The red group has the highest base counts, while the counts in the blue group are much lower.


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SubtitleTextAlignments track: coverage per locus is shown by using "Read histogram type" set to "Overlay". Each plot is a single experimental condition ("Group data by" set to "Attribute", "Color by" set to <Attribute>). Lines are rectangular since microarray data is used (an example)

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Transcript label

You can use the Transcript label selector to specify labels on the reference transcript track and Isoform proportion track (Figure 47).


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SubtitleTextranscript label: setting the control to Gene shows only gene label, while Transcript shows transcript labels. Both transcript database and Isoform proportion tracks are affected Short sequencing reads can be coloured by strand (Reads pileup color: Strand) or by base (Reads pileup color: Base). Both options are illustrated in Figure 48.
AnchorNameTranscript label

Transcript label: Gene
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Transcript label: Transcript
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Reads pileup and probe color 


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SubtitleTextReads pileup color: colouring of the short sequencing reads by Strand or by Base
AnchorNameReads pileup color

Reads pileup color: Strand
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Reads pileup color: Base
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Probe color control customizes the appearance of Probe intensities track (Figure 49). When set to Intensity, colour of a probe reflects its intensity, using a colour gradient from white (low) to admiral (high). Alternatively, when Strand is turned on, probes on the reverse strand are in parakeet green, while probe on the forward strand are in sky blue.


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SubtitleTextProbe color: "intensities" colors probes proportionally to their intensity, "strand" uses colors to indicate probe positioning (an example is shown)
AnchorNameProbe color

Probe color: Intensity
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Probe color: Strand
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If a variant database is available for the current genome, the variants can be added to the Reference genome track (Figure 33). To show the variants, point the Variant database control to the database of your choice.



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SubtitleTextCustomize colors dialog: selecting a drop-down arrow opens the color-picker tool
AnchorNameCustom color dialog

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Track Order

The position of the tracks on canvas can be controlled by using the Track order tool. If you want a track to be visible all the time, i.e. while scrolling up or down, pin it to the top or to the bottom. Figure 51 shows Cytoband track pinnned to the top of the canvas and Reference genome track pinned to the bottom of the canvas. To unpin a track, click on the pin icon ( Image Removed ). The track will be unpinned and a message No tracks are pinnned to the top / bottom will appear. To pin a track, drag the track name to the No tracks… message. Alternatively, you can use the green arrows ( Image Removed ) to pin a track. When you mouse over an arrow, the new position of the track will be highlighted on the canvas; click on the arrow to accept.

A track can be hidden (meaning it will not be visible) by selecting the red minus, or unhidden by selecting the green plus icon.



Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextTrack order tool: To change the position of a track drag and drop to the new position. To pin a track to the top / bottom of the canvas, use the up and down arrows. To unpin a track, select the pin icon. A track can be hidden by clicking on the red minus symbol and unhidden by selecting the green plus. Coloured dot by a track names indicates the layers to which the track belongs (an example is shown)
AnchorNameTrack order tool

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Selection Details

At the bottom of the control panel you will find the Selection details section (Figure 52). It is used to display information on the element selected on the canvas (using the Pointer mode).


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SubtitleTextSelection details showing information on the element selected on the canvas. The example shows details of a microarray probe. Note the two link-outs ("Browse on UCSC" and "BLAST this sequence")
AnchorNameSelection details

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Rate Macro