Partek Flow Documentation

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Numbered figure captions
SubtitleText Invoking a volcano plot from a Feature list data node

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 Each point on the plot represents the statistical result for a single gene, transcript or feature. The color of the point reflects fold change: genes with a fold change above 2 (up-regulated) are in green, genes with a fold change below -2 (down-regulated) are in red. The remaining genes are in grey (Figure 2). The plot header is derived from the name of the contrast.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextVolcano plot: each dot on the plot is a single gene/transcript/feature. Horizontal axis: fold change (in log2 scale); vertical axis: p-value (in log10 scale). Colour coding is based on the fold change. Thick vertical lines highlight fold changes of -2 and +2, while a thick horizontal line represents a p-value of 0.05

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