PGS Documentation

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The tutorial data set (236 samples) is a subset of fresh-frozen breast tumor specimens from a population-based cohort of 315 women with breast cancer. The clinicopathological characteristics accompanying each tumor include p53 status (mutant or wild-type), estrogen receptor (ER) status, progesterone receptor (PgR) status, lymph node status, tumor size, and patient age. Gene expression was assessed on Affymetrix® U133A and U133B arrays (Miller LD et al., GSE3494). Please note that Affymetrix data have been chosen for the illustration purposes only, and that the same functionality can be used to analyze any data set. The raw data files (.CEL) have already been imported into PGS; samples with no survival time data, as well as sample attributes irrelevant for the survival analysis, were removed, and the final spreadsheet was saved in Partek Genomics Suite (Survival_Tutorial.fmt and Survival_Tutorial.txt). To download the tutorial data set, use this link - Survival Tutorial Data. Unzip the downloaded folder and save it in an easily accessible location on your computer. 
