Partek Flow Documentation

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From the GSA task report, we can browse to any gene in the Chromosome view.

  • Select Click  in the SELM SELENOM row to open Chromosome view (Figure 1)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextBrowsing to a location in Chromosome View
AnchorNameBrowsing to location

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A new tab will open showing SELM SELENOM in the Chromosome view (Figure 2).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextViewing SELM in Chromosome view
AnchorNameSELM in Chromosome view

Image RemovedImage Added

Chromosome View shows reference genome, annotation, and data set information together aligned at genomic coordinates. 


We can add tracks from any data node using Select Tracks.

  • Click Select Select tracks

A pop-up dialog showing the pipeline allows us to choose which data to display as tracks in Chromosome view (Figure 3).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextChoosing tracks to display in Chromosome view
AnchorNameChoosing tracks to display

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  • Select Click Reads pileup under Align reads on the left-hand side of the dialog 
  • Select Click Display tracks to make the change


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextThe reads pileup track shows every read in its aligned position on the reference genome
AnchorNameReads pileup track

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With multiple tracks, it may be useful to pin a track to the top so we can scroll down the reads pileup track without losing sight of the Alignments or RefSeq tracks. 

  • Select Click  next to the Alignments track
  • Select Click  to pin the track to the top 
  • Repeat for RefSeq Transcripts 
  • Scroll down to view individual reads 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextViewing read information in the Reads pileup track
AnchorNameViewing read information

Image RemovedImage Added

To learn more about Chromosome view, please consult the Chromosome View user guide.
