Partek Flow Documentation

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Based on pre-alignment QA/QC, we need to trim low quality bases from the 3' end of reads. 

  • Select Click the Unaligned reads data node
  • Select Trim bases from the Click Pre-alignment tools section of tools in the task menu
  • Click Trim bases (Figure 1) 

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextInvoking the Trim bases task
AnchorNameTrim bases

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By default, Trim bases removes bases starting at the 3' end of reads and continuing until it reaches finds a base pair call with a Phred score of equal to or greater than 20. Hover over any the  to get  for additional information about a specific on any task option (Figure 2). 

  • Set Trim based on to Quality score
  • Set End min quality level (Phred) to 20 
  • Set Trim from end to 3-prime (right end)
  • Leave Advanced options set to default
  • Select Finish 
  • Click Finish to run Trim bases with default settings


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextConfiguring the Trim bases task Viewing additional information about the Quality score trimming method
AnchorNameConfiguring Trim bases

Image RemovedImage Added

The Trim bases task will generate a new data node, Trimmed reads. While tasks have been queued or are in progress they have a lighter color. Any output nodes that the task will generate, such as the Trimmed reads data node from the Trim bases task, are also displayed in a lighter color until the task completes. Once the task begins running, a progress bar is displayed on the task node (Figure 3). 
