Partek Flow Documentation

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  • Click Finish from the t-SNE dialog to run t-SNE with the default settings

A t-SNE task node will be generated (Figure 2).


The t-SNE plot is in 3D by default. You can rotate the 3D plot by lefleft-clicking and dragging your mouse. You can zoom in and out using your mouse wheel. The 2D t-SNE is also calculated and you can switch between the 2D and 3D plots using the Plot style radio buttons. 


In Partek Flow, we can color cells by more than one gene. We will now add a second glioma marker gene, GPM6A. 


Once cells have been classified, the classification is added to the Classifications section of the panel. The number of cells belonging to the classiciation classification is listed; in MGH42, there are 413 glioma cells (Figure 14). 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextThe number of cells in each classification is displayed in the classification section.
AnchorNameViewing classifications

Classifications made on the t-SNE plot are retained as a draft after you exit the t-SNE task report. The Save classifications button runs a task, Classify cells, which generates a new Classified cells data node. In this tutorial, we will classify malignant cells for each sample before we save the classifications, but if necissarynecessary, you can exit the t-SNE task report and continue classifying the next sample later. 


The pipeline view will open and the Classify cells tasks will run, generating a Classified groups data node (Figure 18).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextThe Classify cells tasks generates a Classified groups data node
AnchorNameClassify cells task


  • Select the Filtered counts data node
  • Select t-SNE from the Exploratory anlaysis analysis section of the task menu
  • Select Configure on the t-SNE dialog (Figure 19)


Once the task has completed, we can view the plot.

  • Select the green t-SNE plot node
  • Select Task Report from the task menu


  • Click Classify selection
  • Name the classification Microgliaclassification Oligodendrocytes
  • Click Save
  • Deselect by double clicking on any black space on the plot
