Partek Flow Documentation

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  • Click the Single cell data node produced by the Filter cells task
  • Click Filtering in the task menu
  • Click Filter features (Figure 20)



Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextInvoking Filter features
AnchorNameInvoking Filter features

There are three categories of filter available - Noise reduction filters, Statitics bsaed filters, and Feature list filters (Figure 21).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextViewing the filtering options
AnchorNameFilter types

Image Added

The Noise reduction filter allows you to exclude genes considered background noise based on a variety of criteria. The Statistics based filters are useful for focusing on a certain number or percentile of genes based on a variety of metrics, such as variance. The Feature list filter allows you to filter your data set to include or exclude particular genes.

We will use a Noise reduction filter to exclude genes that are not expresed by any cell in the data set, but were included in the matrix file.

  • Click the Noise reduction filter check box 
  • Set the Noise reduction filter to Exclude features where expression value == 0 in 100% of cells using the drop-down menus and text boxes (Figure 22)
  • Click Finish to apply the filter


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextConfiguring a noise reduction filter to exclude genes not expressed in the data set
AnchorNameConfiguring a noise reduction filter

Image Added

This produces a Filtered counts data node. This will be the starting point for the next stage of analysis - identifying cell types in the data using the interactive t-SNE plot. 


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