Partek Flow Documentation

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  • Name the classification Malignant 
  • Select Save (Figure 15)



Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextClassifying selection
AnchorNameClassifying cells


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextThe Classify cells tasks generates a Classified groups data node
AnchorNameClassify cells task

Plotting samples together on t-SNE

For some data sets, cell types can be distinguished when all samples can be visualized together on one t-SNE plot. We will use a t-SNE plot of all samples to classify microglia/macrophage and oligodendrocyte cell types. 

  • Select the Single cell data data node
  • Select t-SNE from the Visualizations section of the task menu
  • Select Configure on the t-SNE dialog (Figure 21)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextAccessing the t-SNE advanced options
AnchorNameAccessing advanced options

Image Added

  • Deselect the Split cells by sample option under Misc
  • Select Apply (Figure 22)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSetting t-SNE to plot all samples together
AnchorNameSetting t-SNE to plot all samples together

Image Added

  •  Select Finish to run the t-SNE task

The t-SNE task will be added as a new green layer in the analysis tab (Figure 23).



Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextAll samples t-SNE task is added as a new layer
AnchorNamet-SNE task new layer

Image Added

Once the task has completed, we can view the plot.

  • Select the green t-SNE plot task node
  • Select Task Report from the task menu

In the multi-sample t-SNE plot, each cell is initially colored by its sample (Figure 24).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextViewing the multi-sample t-SNE plot
AnchorNamemulti-sample t-SNE plot

Image Added

  • Select 2D from the Plot style section

Viewing the 2D t-SNE plot, while most cells cluster by sample, there are a few clusters with cells from multiple samples (Figure 25).


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextViewing the multi-sample t-SNE plot in 2D
AnchorNameViewing 2D t-SNE

Image Added

Using the known maker genes, CD14 and MOBP, we can assess whether these multi-sample clusters belong to our known cell types. 

  • Select Gene expression from the Color by drop-down menu
  • Type CD14 in the new Gene ID box
  • Select CD14 from the list of genes in the data set
  • Select the Image Added icon next to CD14
  • Type MOBP in the new Gene ID box
  • Select MOBP from the list of genes in the data set

After coloring by CD14, a microglia/macrophage marker, and MOBP, a oligodendrocyte maker, these two cell populations are clearly visible (Figure 26). 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextOverlaying marker gene expression on the multi-sample t-SNE plot
AnchorNameOverlaying gene expression

Image Added

  • Activate the 3D lasso tool by selecting Image Added
  • Draw the lasso around the cluster of red cells and click the circle to close the lasso
  • Select Save classifications

These cells are MOBP positive, indicating that they are the oligodendrocytes from every sample. 

  • Name the classification Oligodendrocytes
  • Select Save

To clearly see the CD14 positive population, clear the current selection.

  • Switch modes by selecting Image Added
  • Deselect by clicking on any black space on the plot

Red CD14 positive cells are the microglia/macrophages from every sample. 

  • Activate the 3D lasso tool by selecting Image Added
  • Draw the lasso around the cluster of green cells and click the circle to close the lasso
  • Select Save classifications
  • Name the classification Microglia
  • Select Save
  • Switch modes by selecting Image Added
  • Deselect by clicking on any black space on the plot

Finally, we will classify all unclassified cells on the plot as the malignant cells from every sample.

  • Select Classifications from the Color by drop-down menu

Cells are now colored by classification, with Oligodendrocytes in blue, Microglia in red, and unclassified cells in grey.

  • Activate the 3D lasso tool by selecting Image Added
  • Draw the lasso around the grey cells and click the circle to close the lasso
  • Select Save classifications 
  • Name the classification Malignant
  • Select Save

With every cell from every sample classified, we can proceed to save classifications. 

  • Select Save classifications
  • Select Save when asked to confirm

The pipeline view will open and the Classify cells tasks will run, generating a new green-layer Classified groups data node (Figure 27). 


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextClassify cells tasks from multi-sample t-SNE plot
AnchorNameClassify cells task

Image Added





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