Partek Flow Documentation

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The tutorial data set includes 9 samples equally divided into 3 treatment groups. Sequencing was performed by an Illumina HiSeq (paired-end reads), but the workflow can be easily adapted for data generated by other sequencers. Each sample has 2 fastq files for a total of 18 fastq files with the combined size of 6.17 GB. 

This tutorial will use two sets of samples: human brain reference (HBR) samples and universal human reference (UHR) samples (five each). Data was generated using an Ion Torrent® sequencer (single-end chemistry), but the workflow can be easily adapted for data generated by sequencers from other manufacturers.  The project consists of 10 fastq files with the combined size of 1.4 GB.


You can obtain the tutorial data set


through Partek Flow.
  • Select your avatar
  • Select Settings  from the drop-down menu (Figure 1)



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Figure 1.
Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextLocation of the Settings link on the main page of
Partek® Flow®


Partek Flow

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At the top of the System information page, there is a section labeled Download tutorial data (Figure 2)







Figure 2. Downloading

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSelect RNA-Seq 5-AZA to download the sample data set


AnchorNameDownload tutorial data

Image Added

  • Select RNA-Seq 5-AZA to download the tutorial data set


 A new project will be created and you will be directed to the Data Tab.  The data will be downloaded automatically (Figure 3) and imported into your project.  


Because this is a tutorial project, there is no need to click on Import data as it will be done automatically.

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Figure 3. Creating a new project based on a sample data set. The project will be populated with samples automatically


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextA new project will be automatically created and populated with the tutorial data set
AnchorNameLoading the tutorial data set

Image Added

At first the project is empty, but the file download will start automatically in the background. You can wait a few minutes


then refresh


your browser or you can monitor the download progress


using the Queue

  • Select Queue 
  • Select View Queued Tasks from the drop-down menu

The Queued tasks page will open (Figure 4)


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Figure 4. Downloading tutorial data task in the queue (note that any user can download sample data set)

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SubtitleTextViewing download progress in the Queued tasks page

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  • Select Projects
  • Select RNA-Seq 5-AZA from the drop-down menu

The Analyses tab will open (Figure 5). If you download has completed, you will see a blue circle titled Unaligned reads. We will return to this page in the next section of the tutorial.



Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextAnalyses tab showing Unaligned Reads data node
AnchorNameProject analyses tab

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We can edit the project name, description, and users who can access it using the Project settings menu.

  • Select the Project settings tab
  • Select Image Added
  • Set the name to RNA-Seq Tutorial or whatever you prefer
  • Write a brief description; for example, 5-AZA data set 
  • Select Save
  • Refresh your browser 


Once the download completes, the sample table will appear in the Data tab.

  • Select the Data tab (Figure 5)

The Data tab includes the sample table with the names of each imported sample. There should be 9 samples once the import has completed (Figure 5). 

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Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSample table in the Data tab




downloading the tutorial data set
AnchorNameData tab

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In the next section of the tutorial, we will add sample attributes that designate the treatment group of each sample. 

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