PGS Documentation

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Table of Contents
excludeAdditional Assistance

All the operations available for a gene list are available; you may also use the numeric data associated with the genes for visualization, clustering, and statistical operations. 

GO Enrichment

The Gene Ontology (GO) Enrichment  p-value calculation uses either a Chi-Square or Fisher’s Exact test to compare the genes included in the significant gene list to all possible genes present in the experiment or the background genes. For a microarray experiment, background genes consists of all genes on the chip/array; for a next generation sequencing experiment, all genes in the species transcriptome are considered background genes. 

Because the calculation is essentially comparing overlapping sets of genes and does not use intensity values, GO Enrichment can be performed on an imported gene list even without any numerical values. GO Enrichment is available through the Gene Expression workflow. 

If no annotation file has been specified for the gene list, GO Enrichment will use the full species transcriptome as the background genes. While suitable for next generation sequencing experiments, for microarray experiments, only the genes on the chip/array are appropriate. Please contact our technical support department for assistance with this step if needed. 

Pathway Enrichment

Like GO Enrichment, Pathway Enrichment does not require numerical values, but instead operates on lists of genes - a list of significant genes vs. background genes. Consequently, Pathway Enrichment may be used with an imported list of genes even without any numerical values. The list of background genes is set to the species transcriptome by default, but can be set to a specific set of genes if the gene list has been associated with an annotation file.  


A gene list can be used to filter another spreadsheet. As an example, we will filter the results of an ANOVA on microarray data using a gene list. This will create a spreadsheet with ANOVA results for only the genes included in our gene list. 

  • Open the filtering gene list and target spreadsheets 
  • Select the target spreadsheet in the spreadsheet tree
  • Select Filter from the main toolbar
  • Select Filter Rows Based on a List... from Filter Rows (Figure 1)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextFiltering rows based on a list
AnchorNameFiltering rows

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  • Select the matching column of your target spreadsheet from the Key column drop-down menu; here we have selected 4. Gene Symbol (Figure 2)
  • Select the filtering gene list from the Filter based on spreadsheet drop-down menu; here we have selected 1 (Gene List.txt)
  • Select the matching column of your filtering gene list from the Key column drop-down menu; here we have selected 1. Symbol 

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSelecting matching rows from filtering and target spreadsheets
AnchorNameFiltering based on gene list dialog

Image Added

  • Select OK to apply the filter

The target spreadsheet will display the filtered rows (Figure 3). Note that the number of rows has gone from 22,283 prior to filtering (Figure 1) to 153 after filtering (Figure 3). 



Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextFiltered spreadsheet. The black bar on the right-hand side of the spreadsheet shows the fraction of filtered-out samples in black vs. the retained samples in yellow.
AnchorNameFiltered spreadsheet

Image Added

To use this filtered list for downstream analysis, we can save it.

  • Right-click the open spreadsheet in the spreadsheet tree
  • Select Clone...
  • Use the Clone Spreadsheet dialog to name the new spreadsheet and choose its place in the spreadsheet hierarchy
  • Select OK

The new spreadsheet will open. If you want to use the list again in the future, be sure to save it as the new spreadsheet is a temporary file. 



Descriptive Statistics 

There are numerous descriptive statistics available in Partek Genomics Suite.


  • Select Tools from the main toolbar 
  • Select Discover 
  • Select Principal Component Analysis 

Applying Multiple Test Correction

If your imported data contains a list of p-values, you can use any of the available multiple test corrections.


Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextOptions available for Multiple Test Corrections
AnchorNameMultiple Test Corrections


Plotting numeric data associated with a gene list

A variety of profile plots can be used to visualize the numerical data associated with your imported gene list.

  • Select View from the main toolbar
  • Select any applicable option  

Genome Browser

If you have imported numerical data associated with genes (like p-values or fold-changes), you can visualize these values in the Genome Browser once an annotation file has been added. 


  • Select Regions in the track preferences panel to edit it
  • Select the other numerical column in the Bar height by drop-down menu


If the data is suitable for clustering, access the clustering function through the toolbar, not form a workflow. The workflow implementation assumes the data to be clustered are found on a parent spreadsheet and the list of genes is in a child spreadsheet. Because the data to be clustered is all on one spreadsheet, access hierarchical clustering by selecting Tools from the main toolbar then Discover then Hierarchical Clustering. Consider transposing the spreadsheet if samples are on columns and genes are on rows as Hierarchical Clustering will assume samples are rows and genes are columns. If you only have one column or one row of data, cluster only on the dimension with multiple entries by deselecting either Rows or Columns from What to Cluster or consider using an intensity plot instead. 
