PGS Documentation

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The closest overlapping feature and the distance to it is now included as columns 7. Overlapping Features and 8. Nearest Features in the unexplained_regions spreadsheet (Figure 4)

Right-clicking on a row header and selecting Browse to Location will show the reads mapped to the chromosome. For this tutorial, a couple of genes are selected to show regions that are located after a known gene or in the intron of a gene.

  • With the unexplained_regions spreadsheet open, right-click on Average Coverage (column 6) and select Sort Descending (Figure 54)

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextSorting the unknown_regions spreadsheet by Average Coverage
AnchorNameSort Decending

  • Select row 45 and Browse to location to show a region within an intron of UNC45B. This may be a novel exon (Figure 65

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextA region within an intron of UNC45B that might be an novel exon
AnchorNameNovel Exon example

  • Select row 10482 and Browse to location to show a region that starts 1 bp after CD82. This peak may represent an extended exon (Figure 76

Numbered figure captions
SubtitleTextA region that starts 1 bp after CD82 that might represent an extended exon
AnchorNameExtended Exon example
