Section Heading

Set the local hostname:

sudo su

/etc/hostname -> frontend.flowcluster (reboot)


Set the frontend domain name (Cluster only)

get started under DNS management

hosted zones, create hosted zone

domain name = flowcluster

type = private for VPC

set to Flow-Testing VPC


hosted zones => create record set

naem = frontend type A - ipv4 address

value set to (flow IP)

routing policy simple


vi ~/.bashrc and at the end:

export CATALINA_OPTS="-DflowDispatcher.flow.command.hostname=frontend.flowcluster -DflowDispatcher.akka.remote.netty.tcp.hostname=frontend.flowcluster"

source ~/.bashrc


IAM Role: (for support so we can test adding worker nodes and the head node can do it itself without needing an AWS secret key)

role name = Flow-Testing

role type : add

Amazon EC2

leave policies alone


Want placement group support